Email marketing is one of the most effective forms of digital marketing that allows businesses to stay connected with their customers and also build new relationships. Although the term "email marketing" may be new, the act of using emails to communicate with customers or clients is as old as email itself.

Many businesses, be it small, medium or large scale, are employing email marketing to promote their products or services. In order to make email marketing more effective, there are countless email automation tools that businesses or app developers in India can use to send customized automated emails. Despite how smart these tools may be, they still can't replace the important strategies that any user may employ for a successful campaign.

In order to guarantee a successful email marketing campaign, below are 10 email marketing tips that can be used for mobile app development;

1. Target your emails appropriately:

One error that can lead to the failure of an email marketing campaign is treating every email recipient as the same and sending them blanket emails. Email marketing allows for targeting. Of what use is it, if app developers in India can't target their emails to the appropriate recipients? There are a lot of parameters that need to be considered for proper email targeting, some of which includes; geographical location, likes and dislikes, hobbies, gender, buying behavior or pattern etc.

For a successful email marketing campaign, app developers in India need to gather as much information on their subscribers as possible. This information, when studied appropriately, will be the parameters that will guide grouping. When the subscribers are properly grouped, then emails pertaining to their interest and likes can be sent to them.

2. Personalize your emails:

Most people hate it when they are sent generalized messages. They simply ignore it. The key to capturing the attention of your subscribers is sending them personalized emails. Everyone wants to feel recognized and love. Calling them by their first names gives them a sense of importance, it fosters a feeling of camaraderie, like you both are good friends and not separated by thousands of kilometers. They will be more inclined to always open your emails as personalizing emails encourages trust.

3. Keep your layout simple:

Email marketing services allow app developers in India to customize their emails according to their taste, they are free to use different color schemes, fonts, graphics etc. The fact you have been giving so much room to operate doesn't mean you must overdo it. Try to keep your layout simple and professional. Avoid using graphics that are too flashy or fonts that are too large. A professional layout is one that is simple, easy to navigate and will not turn your subscribers off.

4. Keep things short:

It can be pretty tempting to go on and on about something you enjoy. You are not being wicked, you simply just enjoy the product or service and assume your subscribers should, too. But that is a pretty wrong assumption. Regardless of your belief in a product, don't overdo it. Be economical with words and use short paragraphs.

In this information age, there are several important kinds of stuff on the web and app developers in India have become busier now than before. Therefore, if your subscribers can't find what they are looking for or anything of importance in your email, then its next destination is the bin. If there is something you want to write more about, then insert a link that leads to another page, possibly on your blog or website.

5. Include a call-to-action:

Your emails will be of no benefit if you don't tell your subscribers what exactly you need them to do, aside reading. A call-to-action is integral to email marketing and even most other forms of digital marketing. It helps prompt the subscribers. In your call-to-action, you can ask customers to click on a link, to make a purchase, fill out a survey etc.

6. Compelling storyline:

Ever wondered why newspaper headlines are often so catchy? Because this subject line will determine if your subscribers will open your email or delete open. Do proper research and come up with subject line or title that are compelling and interesting but at the same time honest. Look for a subject title that is compelling and interesting, but is still honest.

7. Automation tools:

In order have an effective email marketing campaign app developers in India can make use of automation tools. These tools will ease the stress of email marketing allowing you to do more with less. There are so many of these tools available to businesses, but it is important you find the right one that best suits your needs. Some of the most sophisticated tools always need someone to handle it most of the time. While the simpler one can work without up to a certain extent. Choose the automation tool that best serves your purpose or needs.

8. Don't be too serious:

Don't take yourself too seriously, nobody else does. Long whining emails are boring and dull, and will most likely prompt subscribers to click the unsubscribe button. Put some feeling into what you are doing, let it feel human. Be open to conversation, make jokes and poke fun at yourself once in a while. People will find it quite easy to associate it with you and it would also make your job much fun.

9. Be consistent:

If there is one thing that is a sure email marketing buster, it is inconsistent emails. In fact, to improve your chances of success at email marketing, you need to draw up a schedule of your posting and follow it religiously. If you are inconsistent then your subscribers would not be able to rely on you. They don't know what to expect or when to expect it.

10. Pay attention to when people unsubscribe:

There are only two ways for it to go, either upwards or downwards. If your subscribers are increasing by the day then it means you are doing a wonderful job and you should be proud of yourself. But if the numbers are falling, this could only mean they are unsubscribing and also means you are not doing something right. Rather than hope against hope for things to bet better, try to do a research to know exactly what it sending them off.

Author's Bio: 

Melissa Crooks is Content Writer who writes for Hyperlink Infosystem, a mobile app development company based in USA & India that holds the best team of skilled and expert app developers. She is a versatile tech writer and loves exploring latest technology trends, entrepreneur and startup column.