“A belief is just a thought that you keep thinking over and over again.”
- Abraham-Hicks

I was recently working with a client who has been struggling to build her business. She feels as though no matter what she does, she just can’t get a break. The economy collapsed. The person delivering her products took her money and ran. The assistant who was helping her turned out to be a nightmare. And so on.

These are all very legitimate issues. They are all very real challenges that she has been facing. Still, when we began to look further into her inner conversation about wealth, some interesting beliefs started to crop up.

As she began to explore these beliefs, she started to see that she had been making choices regarding her business based on those negative beliefs.

For example, the above statement “No matter what I do, I just can’t get a break” is one we’ve all heard numerous times in our lives. It becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy if you think it often enough. And yet, people say it without even thinking.

For my client, it certainly seemed as though she wasn’t getting a break. However, once we began to apply EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) tapping to that belief or affirmation, the negative charge she was feeling started to soften. She began to see the areas in which she was receiving breaks: customers who were placing orders; other products being shipped on time and in correct amounts; people who came forward to help her after her assistant left.

But -- and here's the important point here -- before she used EFT tapping, she felt as though she really couldn’t get a break. She had deleted the other wonderful “breaks” she was getting in her life from her memory. In essence, she couldn’t even see the positive breaks because the feeling that she couldn’t get a break was so dominant within her.

Because that belief had been so charged in her vibration, or to say it another way, had been so strongly held, she was actually using it as the basis for making bad business decisions. She had chosen the assistant because she was in a hurry and hadn’t wanted to spend a lot of time looking for an employee; she had trusted the guy with the products, even though her intuition gave her a little “uh-oh” feeling in her gut; and so on.

Each one of us has similar conversations inside ourselves, particularly when the subject is money and wealth. Check out the following beliefs:

1. I don’t deserve to have a lot of money.

2. Money doesn’t just grow on trees, you know.

3. I can’t do it. I don’t know how to get a lot of money.

4. People will think I think I’m better than they are if I am wealthy.

5. People will hate me if I have a lot of money.

6. Everyone will want something from me if I have a lot of money.

7. People like me don’t become wealthy.

8. I’d have to manage all the wealth and I don’t know how to do that.

9. I’d have to trust someone to manage my wealth and I don’t know who to trust.

10. Life is just so hard! Who am I kidding to think I can create what I want?

Which ones resonate with you? Maybe a few, maybe all. Try doing EFT tapping on each belief that has a negative charge for you, even if there is just a little twinge.

As you tap on these beliefs, you notice their energy shift and melt away. The power -- or negative emotional charge -- will soften and you will actually begin to feel freer. Look for signs of energy release such as sighs or yawns. Or maybe you'll just wonder what the big deal was all about anyway. You may simply go on to something else and forget you ever felt that way about money. All of that is normal as you shift your energy.

Now, don’t you owe it to yourself to change your point of attraction by changing your inner beliefs? After all, what else are you doing?

Author's Bio: 

Rev. Anne Presuel, Interfaith Minister, Divine Intuitive, and master energy therapist, coaches conscious, heart-centered (and often overwhelmed) entrepreneurs to tune into their own 6th sense while building 6-figure businesses. Her approach uses Law of Attraction principles, affirmations, and subtle energy techniques. For a free MP3 download report, "The Entrepreneur's Secret Weapon", go to