Qualities of highly successful people

Hendry ford once said “quality is doing it right when no one is looking.” I personally believe that there is a lot of truth in what Mr. Ford has said because sometimes as people we tend to focus more on quantity and forget about quality and Mr. Ford was once quoted saying that he rather spend more time providing quality than spending time providing quantity and I think what he meant was that spending time focusing on developing your own qualities that will make you to be the most successful person that people will admire and look up to is much more valuable than spending time trying to do to make things which has less impact on your life and other people lives.

The point I am trying to emphasize is: our qualities makes us different and unique. If we spend more time on those qualities we must rise to the top regardless of the odds.

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What are the most vital qualities a person must have?

Every person is unique in his own plane and world. But when it comes to success, it seems people who are successful seem to share some qualities and they seem to have some set of unique qualities which separates them from everybody else who is not successful.
In this blog post I want to state the ten qualities that most successful man or women seem to possess. And based on countless observations, it seems like it is less likely to find a successful person who doesn’t have the qualities that I will state below.

As you may also observe these qualities start with the latter C and that is the common denominator all successful people share.
Therefore if you want to improve your success in life I greatly recommend you pay attention to these qualities and if you possess them, keep on getting better at them.

The ten qualities of highly successful people.

Quality #1 Clarity

Most successful people have clarity in everything they engage in. They know what they what, why they want it and when do they want and spend most their time, energy, thoughts and money pursuing that one thing. Napoleon Hill calls it definiteness of purpose.

Quality #2 Commitment

To be the best you can be in life you have to make a conscious or deliberate decision of what is it that you want and just stick to that. You have to commit yourself to that and just do what you have to do to do it well and amazingly. That is what successful people do. They just commit themselves to what they want until they achieve that thing far beyond their wildest dreams.

Quality #3 Common sense

This is where fantasy comes in. Most people live in a fantasy and that is the truth. And, that is the reason why some people find it difficult to achieve success. It is very okay to dream, but minding your dreams is super okay. Successful people dreams big dreams but what makes their dreams unique from unsuccessful people is that their dreams are not based on fantasy; they are dreams that are real and dreams which move human race forward.

Quality #4 Competence

The ability to do more with less is far more important than trying to do bunch of things that results to less effort or being busy but not efficient. Efficiency is gold. Those who are efficient has Gold in their hands and that is what makes successful people more successful because they are able to do bunch of things with less effort and knowing how to do that, will be a breakthrough for you.

Quality #5Concentration

Winston Churchill once said “concentrate all your thoughts to the task and hand, sunrise do not burn until brought at focus.” What he meant was that focus defeat difficult or hardship. Therefore having the quality of focus or concentration is what brings success in a larger scale.

Quality #6 Confidence

I rarely know a successful man or woman who doesn’t have confidence and I also think you also do not know one. Confidence is the quality that drives successful people out of their comfort zone and to go out there and do what they have to do. It is what makes them champions.

Quality #7 Consideration

Our lives are made by bunch of different decision and just one decision can make or break our lives forever. And the quality of paying full attention to details is what makes successful people more successful because sometimes it takes one careful thought to turn your life around.

Quality #8 Consistency

Building momentum is what wears down difficulty in life because momentum is positive energy itself, so the more you work consistently on something, it is the more you create your own success and appear to people as a lucky man as what most people say about successful people. They say “the just became lucky or they were born at the right time.” And that can be true, but is doesn’t mean that people cannot create their own luck by working consistently.

Quality #9 Creativity

Being creative doesn’t necessary mean investing new things but it does mean not doing the same thing and expecting different results which is what most unsuccessful people do. Successful people have the habit of doing what unsuccessful don’t like doing which is trying something new every day.

Quality #10 Courage

The world courage is derived from a French world “Le Coeur” meaning the heart, in English. So courage must come from the heart if it is not from the heart, then it is not courage because if you can look at all successful people they have courage that comes from the heart and they love what they do because I Firmly believe that if you love something, you will have the courage stand by it. And that are your dreams, if you cherish them, you will have the courage to pursue them will love.

Be the best you can be
To sum everything up. Those are the ten qualities successful people have, there might be more or less from the ones I have stated above, but these ones are the core qualities you can find to anything successful man or woman.
Simple test, do a self-introspection and see whether you do not have these qualities. After doing it if you find that you have more than five of these qualities, know that your pathway to success is wide. But that doesn’t mean you must relax, it means you must work more hard on making them part of your very being that is to breath them, eating them and sleeping so as success can come to you naturally.
Thank you

Author's Bio: 

Simphiwe A. Mokwena is a spirited young man who has profound insight about how individual turn to attain success in life as he has studied and still studies the minds of successful people while he is accumulating large amount of success as well for the benefit of all involved.
He is so passionate about helping people to discover the mechanism behind success because he believes that if you want to want pizza you must know the receipt first.
Visit: http://success-blueprint.co.za to find out more about him.