Cabbage is a very popular vegetable for its medicinal properties. It contains substances that prevent Alzheimer's or aging.

The history of the medicinal use of cabbage goes back to Ancient Greece, when fresh juice of white cabbage was used to treat sore or infected eyes. The Romans and Egyptians drank cabbage juice before meals to avoid intoxication.
Different types of cabbages

There are different types of cabbages and these can be consumed raw or cooked. Cabbages are rich in vitamins, iron, potassium etc. Cabbage is widely used in kitchens.

Benefits of cabbage for health

There are many benefits of cabbage for our health. Below you can find a list that will help you understand why you should take this vegetable.

1. Treat acne

Sulfur has a drying effect on the skin that plays a significant role against acne. Also, it is vital for the synthesis of keratin, a substance is essential for healthy hair, nails and skin. It also helps in cleaning the blood and removing bacteria and toxins from the body.

2. Prevents hair loss

The raw juices of cabbage and cucumber are rich in silicon and sulfur, two essential minerals for th growth and prevention of hair loss. Combining these two vegetables and applying them directly on the scalp (with a 10-minute massage) before going to bed is beneficial to prevent hair loss. You can perform this procedure three days a week.

3. It helps the digestion

Cabbage is very rich in fiber and helps the body retain water. Fiber deficiency causes constipation, which is the cause of many other diseases and health risks, such as stomach ulcers, headaches, gastrointestinal cancers, indigestion, etc.

4. Improves vision

Cabbage is a rich source of beta-carotene. It is important to note that red cabbage has almost 10 times more beta-carotene content than green cabbage. Beta-carotene plays an important role in the enhancement of vision, especially night vision, and helps protect the eye tissue against free radical damage.

5. Improves brain functioning

Being rich in iodine, cabbage is beneficial for the proper functioning of the brain and nervous system. This mineral also plays a vital role in maintaining the health of the endocrine system.

6. It promotes bone health

Cabbage is rich in calcium, which is undoubtedly a very important mineral for bone health. Cabbage is also rich in magnesium and potassium. Together, these three essential minerals work for the protection of bones against degradation. It is also important to prevent some age-related bone problems such as osteoporosis and general weakening of the bone.

7. Rejuvenates

Cabbage contains "indole-3-carbinol", a powerful antioxidant that plays an important role in liver detoxification. The liver is the organ, responsible for filtering toxins from the blood. It is beneficial for the skin to keep the liver healthy, which prevents staining. But vitamin C and vitamin A also combats wrinkles and sagging skin, are essential to help maintain healthy hair follicles and scalp oils in good condition. In short, you'll look younger.

8. Help burn fat

Cabbage helps burn fat and it is the key food of a well-known diet called "cabbage soup diet”. This diet was used in the 50s and is still used today. The cabbage soup diet is a strict diet that consists of eating cabbage soup along with other low calorie foods.

9. Maintains a healthy blood pressure

Potassium is good for cardiovascular health, it is a vasodilator, which means that it opens the arteries and veins and facilitates blood flow. This simple expansion of the arteries helps protect against high blood pressure and also decreases the risk of heart attack and stroke.

10. Prevents cancer

In addition to all its antioxidant properties, cabbage also has a series of anticancer compounds, such as lupeol, sinigrin and sulforaphane. Research on these compounds has been shown to stimulate enzymatic activity and inhibit carcinogenic growth. Research in China showed that cabbage consumption significantly reduced the likelihood of breast cancer.

11. Healthier muscles

Brussels cabbage is a protein rich food, and other types of cabbage contain an ample amount of glutamine. Glutamine is one of the amino acids found in more quantities in our muscles. When there is a deficit of glutamine in the body, the body begins to consume its own muscle, with the consequent loss of muscle tissue.

12. Prevents diseases

Recent research says that consumption of cabbage, especially red cabbage, can prevent Alzheimer's disease. The vitamin K that is widely found in cabbage works to prevent such diseases.

Author's Bio: 

Imon is a Health, Beauty & Food blogger. He is also a freelance writer.