It seems that many people around the world show great interest in eschatological prophecies 2012th Many thoughts and theories are what have these prophecies to be expressed.

Some think that 2012 Doomsday prophecy of what will be created as an act of God or natural disasters, famous, while others say it is something from the person, such as nuclear war. Still others believe it is just crap and go in 2012 and, as it does every two years.


1. In reviewing the 2012 doomsday prophecy, it is impossible to ignore the Mayan Long Count calendar. The ancient Mayas were a nation of very intelligent people known and well ahead of all other races of the day in terms of mathematics and astronomy in particular. Their long count calendar predicts that the Earth is a new era of power 21/12/2012.

2. Many scientists not surprising that their views presented in the year 2012 Doomsday prophecies. The most popular is that the mega solar storms will destroy our planet. I must say that there is already a very good evidence that solar activity has destroyed satellites and power grids suspended increased.

3. Many religions have their own versions of what they think of the 2012 doomsday prophecy is in reference a. 2012 a year of many changes taking place as the Chinese Book of Changes. The various sections of the Hindu religion, see also 2012 is of great importance for all humanity. The date of the 21 December 2012 also refers to the Bible as the Day of Judgement or day of Armageddon.

It is easy to provide a degree of credibility in all the arguments above, everyone has their own thoughts and opinions, I'm sure you do. One thing is certain: 21 December 2012 to pass "something" is.

Author's Bio: 

Suresh Kumar is an article writer who loves to write on interesting topics.