Today, I want to talk about how you come across and more importantly, how you want to come across. There are scores of articles on how effective some people are when interacting with others and one of the key ingredients that makes them so effective is their presence. What do I mean by presence? I mean the ‘wow’ factor – that something that makes people want to know you, work with you and spend time with you.

So, my question to you is how would you rate your presence in business? More specifically, how do you rate your ‘executive’ presence – I call it that because when you lead a business, people are looking to you and they want to know you’re in control.

This can be quite a difficult thing to define so I want to use the example of walking into a room of people you need to engage with (it could be a networking session or a formal business meeting) and I have 3 steps to help you create that ‘wow’ executive presence.

Step 1: Be YOU

There’s nothing worse than emulating somebody else’s style. You may admire somebody but the way they walk into a room and introduce themselves may make you come out in shivers. That’s OK – you have to find your own style. You have to find what works for you.

Step 2: Be certain

This is about feeling certain in every fiber of your being of who you are and the value you bring. For me, what’s really important is that you don’t walk into a room in an apologetic manner. Before you walk into the room, set an intention about how you want to come across. Then walk into that room with your shoulders back and work that intention!

Step 3: Breathe

This might sound strange but have you ever found that just when you want to impress, all your words come out in a fast stream of gobbledegook? Yes, I have been that soldier too! It’s very easy to do and the best tip I can suggest to you is breathe before you speak. Rather than being in a rush to speak, take a breath and ease yourself into the conversation. It’s much nicer to listen to a person who has a calm tone and even pace than someone who sounds like they have run up and down 10 flights of stairs!!

Creating an executive or ‘wow’ presence does not mean you have to be super confident or loud; it means you find a way to exude who you are in such a way that people enjoy interacting with you. Business is about relationships and you want to leave people with a positive impression of you.

If this is an area that’s holding you back and you know you MUST improve to get better results, book your complimentary discovery session today and let’s talk about how you can bring the ‘wow’ into your business & career!

So let’s recap the 3 steps:

1) Be YOU

2) Be certain

3) Breathe!

So, how are you going to put this into practice? Next time you walk into a business situation, think about the impression you want to create that feels right to you. Set the intention and feel how easy it can be when you allow yourself to be you.

As always, I would love to hear how you got on so leave a comment on the blog and let me know!

As someone who is 5’1”, I know how hard it can be when everyone towers over you but what I have learned is even though I can’t make myself taller, what I can do is make an impression that feels authentic to me and my message and that’s what the world needs – more people who are true to themselves rather than pale imitations of others.


Yasmin x

P.S. This is one area that can really hold women back from succeeding – if the thought of going to business meetings and networking events makes you feel sick to your stomach, know it’s not about you – it’s your fear talking. The best way to get past the fear is to take action so don’t think you’re not good at business because you struggle with this – many people do.

Author's Bio: 

I am a business transformation expert and I help entrepreneurs and business owners like you tap into the wealth of potential within you and your business to massively propel you to success. I want to help you make more money and have more time to enjoy your life, your family and your health. My philosophy is to help you find more ways to PROFIT & THRIVE!

I focus on helping you get the most out of your business through identifying more ways to make money, expanding your mindset, blowing the lid OFF your energy levels and heightening your self awareness to make you even more effective! One of the biggest challenges women in business face is being so busy that you never look up and check to see if you’re still ‘on purpose and on track‘. This is what I help you do.

After spending 12 years working in the corporate world, I set up my own business focusing on training and developing entrepreneurs to develop the mindset and skill set needed to succeed in business. I have first-hand experience of how a big business works and the specific ways they focus on success and growth through their people. My passion is to pass on that knowledge and expertise to start up and existing entrepreneurs and business owners just like you!

I am driven by a profound desire to inspire and empower women like you and show you what YOU can achieve when you silence the critics. I want to help you lower the volume on that delightful gremlin that tells you that you can’t do it!

I am a chartered member of the Chartered Institute of Personnel & Development (CIPD), a licensed NLP practitioner and an accredited trainer and executive coach.