If your age falls somewhere in the 20’s scale, then this article is for you. There are many like this one out there that give you advice on love and life, so I decided to jump on the bandwagon and pitch in some of my very own suggestions seeing as to how I actually am a 20-something girl - it takes one to know one.

Money matters

We will spend money frivolously. Social engagements, transportation, clothes, meals, fitness, relationships - these are all money guzzling traps that we don’t notice until it is too late. And by too late, I mean when you pull out an amazing overdraft from the bank because your account is bone dry. To prevent that from happening, the best way to do so is to plan your finances. Sounds boring, but it is absolutely necessary. Most financial advisors suggest saving and investing in your future around this time of your life. While it may seem wildly unrealistic for some, it is plausible to make a few small changes in your life that will help cut down on your expenses. You could start by shopping smartly. Look for coupon codes in online databases to give you offers and discounts on products. So if you are planning to go on a shopping spree in Zalora , use coupons instead to cut back on a few bucks. It will add up in the long run.

Get a job

Speaking of money, go out there and start earning some. Even if you are still studying and living with your parents, if you haven’t done it yet, start applying! It doesn’t matter about your qualifications or the pay, because all jobs are a learning experience. That’s why I am telling you to do this; to learn. Even the most menial jobs have value; wait-staff learn how to interact with people, deal with hostility and combat rudeness, cleaning crew members learn about paying attention to detail and how to work efficiently. There is never a job that is worthless, trust me.

Keep up with friends

This isn’t school anymore. Your close friends will all have different directions with their lives. Some may travel, or move to a different school, or be stuck in a 9-to-5 job. Your regular hang out sessions will fall few and far in between. But some people might say that this is the time of your life that you will socialize the most because you will meet new people, especially if you study, work or travel. However, these are just acquaintances. Chances are, the interesting people you meet will not make any moves to form a lasting relationship in your life, and neither will you. At the same time, your old friends are drifting apart. You will have to make a choice to reevaluate who you want to socialize with. Try to keep up with those you want to stay in touch with. Plan frequent meet-ups and communicate often through whatever means are most convenient.

Author's Bio: 

Finished Masters of business.Advance experience in network marketing. Buy and sell business.