I've been a coach for several years now, and I have had plenty of times that I've felt like a big phony. I have had my moments where I'm preaching one thing and practicing another. There are times I've experienced intense fear about being "found out": such as being caught eating burger king after talking about the importance of good health all day. Oh yes, I sure have done it.

I met Mike Robbins a while back, he wrote a book called Be yourself, everyone else is already taken - transform your life with the power of authenticity. Mike has said many times "if you want to know just how full of it you really are, write a book on authenticity!" I believe that Mike's path to becoming more authentic was to write this book, in other words, we teach what we most need to learn (Mike says this too). I know that many of us in this industry of empowering others are doing just that. The question is: when are we qualified to teach, and how can we come from a place of integrity so that we are actually walking our talk?

I'll share with you these 3 ways that you can begin being more authentic in your business right now. Not only will this take a lot of pressure off of you, but people will be able to relate to you even more, and it will actually add to your credibility.

1. Do not claim to be perfect, and tell people that you're "happy" ALL THE TIME.

First of all, that's just not true. It defies the human experience, which is one that consists of polar opposites. We all have challenges, we all have fears, we all feel sad and hopeless from time to time. Even if you have reached a place in which you can move through this quickly, be up front with your clients and audience - because YOU are expanding as well. It's okay to share that you know what it feels like and how scary it can be. This is usually when that particular tool or method that you use will appeal even more to your clients, by telling them that you apply it to your own life and have seen wonderful results with it.

On a subconscious level, people want to work with someone who they feel understands them and can guide them. Also on a subconscious level, people can smell BS and may not even understand why they don't trust you, they just know they don't. There's no need to pretend. When I started to "out" myself more and be more up front with my own challenges, I began to work with a lot more clients. Then I didn't have to worry about being busted with a burger from time to time! I was also able to feel better and serve my clients in a way I actually felt good about.

2. Even if you're not practicing what you preach all the time, do what you would coach others to do, and keep trying.

This is really where "teach what you most need to learn" comes in. I know as a coach, it's because I talk about something all the time that it stays in the forefront of my mind and I'm constantly reminded of it. In this way, I can be the teacher and the student at the same time. I will often tell people "I'm listening to this as I'm saying it, because I need to hear it too". I know I'm grateful for coaching and speaking to keep me on this path, it a way it keeps me on my own path of expansion.

If you're having trouble, just remember to keep this intention. Keep trying. Be grateful for your own teachings for helping you - and for heaven's sake: DON'T WAIT UNTIL YOU'RE PERFECT TO TEACH IT. You never know how another person is going to absorb your teachings, and because you don't do everything right 100% of the time doesn't mean you have no credibility.

As teachers we need to be a walking example of all aspects of our teachings, including forgiving and having compassion with ourselves. This is important not only to demonstrate, but to offer to our clients when they fall down, because they will too from time to time.

3. You may be surprised at who is willing to do business with you on the level that you are at. Try telling the truth and see what happens!

I know many of you feel like there is certain people that may be "out of your league". If so, you may have or been tempted to 1. lie about how well you're doing or 2. avoid these people altogether. I can speak from experience here, I've done both in the past -again, with zero results. When I stopped feeling small and acting small, it was amazing at how many people were actually willing to help me grow. Because I was honest about where I was, demonstrated a passion for what I was doing, and had the courage to ask them for help, I ended up getting far more than I expected.

Take a few minutes now and ask yourself what other ways you could show up a little more "real" in the world. Try to come up with at least five. Think about your personal relationships with people as well as your business relationships. Most importantly, come up with some ways you could be more honest and authentic with yourself. Acknowledge yourself for having the courage to do this! Being comfortable enough to show our true selves to the world means that when people love us, we know they really do love us for who we really are. And that sure feels good.

Author's Bio: 

Anastasia Netri, the business building expert and “Glass ceiling buster” is the founder of ALN Enterprises, a company that helps conscientious women leaders get more yes's, help more people, and make more money.

She has a passion for helping women move into more powerful leadership roles so they can help the world evolve, build community, and experience true human potential.

Anastasia calls herself a spiritual teacher who works through the lens of business building. She specializes in totally inspirational, non-fear based marketing, and teaches hundreds of entrepreneurs how to bring their clients to a full body YES!

Her website is: http://www.anastasia-netri.com.