A lot of the time men have trouble getting out of a "dry spell," or getting out of a "rut." For some men, this can be because they moved to a new city and are struggling to create a new peer group. For other men, it can be that they've simply lost touch with old friends.

Either way, getting more women into your life is something that every man clearly wants. Having more women in your life allows you to choose a girlfriend, because you genuinely want her - NOT because she's the only one that you can get! So, with this in mind, here's some suggestions to get more women in your life.

1. Focus on Demographics
One of the major mistakes that most men make when trying to meet new women, is that they automatically assume they should go to a night club or bar. While these places are in fact filled with women, they may not be the type you're looking for.

If you're looking for a woman who's into art, for example, consider approaching women at an art museum. If you're into charity, consider joining a non-profit organization and meeting women through this. Or, if you're into holistic health and spirituality, consider meeting women through a local yoga class.

Either way, it's important to decide what type of woman you're looking for, and then hone in on the places that these women might frequent.

2. Utilize Cold Approach
Far too many men wait around for the magic woman to simply pop into his life. I've tried this, and believe me, it's completely futile. Women don't want to pursue you; they want to feel desired, and you can accomplish this by approaching them and initiating the interaction.

If you want to get more women into your life, you're going to have to utilize cold approach, which is the art of talking to women you don't know. Although this may seem daunting, it's actually very easy once you get the hang of it.

I recommend practicing cold approach in either a night club or a bar; the reason being that women here are much more receptive to having men chat them up. Once you practice here, you can apply your newfound skills to women in your social circle, organizations, or workplace.

3. Increase Retention Rate
A lot of guys can easily seduce a woman, but they can't get her to stick around after sex. This was me for a long time, and it wasn't until I realized what I was doing wrong that thing started to change.

Getting women to stick around after you seduce them comes down to several factors, but there's one factor that's more important than every other one combined: being vulnerable. If a woman doesn't feel like she knows the "real you," she will almost always fail to come back.

Being vulnerable isn't really something that you try to do, but rather something that you are. Try getting in touch with your emotions and learning to express them. This is the big key when it comes to being vulnerable - when a woman senses that you're genuine, she's bound to come back for more.

4. Utilize Your Social Circle
How many times have your friends invited you to parties or social events, but you've neglected to follow through, because you're "too busy"? I would argue that this is actually due to fear, rather than an actual inability to go.

If you're trying to get more women in your life, and find the satisfaction that you deserve, you need to start taking this more seriously. Every time your friends invite you out to a social event, accept their offer - you're not going to find women sitting at home watching Netflix.

Start hanging out with men who know a lot of women. You will naturally meet more girls through their social circle, and will eventually develop the skills that you need to be an effective seducer.

As a final note, it's important that you don't use women, because if you do this, you're only hurting yourself. All of your relationships, short term or long term, should be approached from the frame of: "I want US to enjoy OURSELVES."

Too many men approach a relationship by trying to take something from the woman, whether it be validation or sex. This never works, because women are very intuitive; they will sense that you're using them. If you enter into a relationship, even a non-romantic one, with an intention to give, you will be amazed at how fast your social life will improve.

Author's Bio: 

Jon Anthony has dedicated his life to helping other men improve their lifestyles. He currently has an eBook out on developing your masculinity, and is launching a fitness eBook in February. Visit his website, Masculine Development, for more information.