Trust is the easiest thing in the world to loose, and the hardest thing in the world to get back. – R. Williams

It's better to be trusted than liked. Underpromise - Overperform. – Unknown

A local plumber has spent a lot of money marketing their services. Being new to the area I called this plumber at the first sign of problems in my home. After an $800 bill and unresolved plumbing problems I knew that I could not trust this business. One year has passed and I have heard nothing but bad things about this plumber and their services; I have found no one, from other professionals to previous customers, with good things to say about them. I predict that regardless of their intense marketing efforts, it won’t be long before their business fails.

Trust can often determine the longevity of a business. While small businesses may be able to advance for some time using aggressive marketing tactics, customers will not look back after they loose trust in a small business, especially it it’s a financial service provider. As you build relationships with clients it’s important that you do all you can to maintain their trust. Here are five steps to securing a client’s trust in your and your services.

1. Remember that honesty really is the best policy.
If your client ever catches you in a lie, or what they perceive as a lie, you have lost their trust forever. It doesn’t matter how small or big the lie may be. Nothing erodes trust more quickly than dishonesty. As you interact with clients you must practice the utmost integrity; it will leave a lasting impression that will secure their loyalty in your services.

2. Practice good listening.
Consider how you feel when someone gives you their undivided attention while you’re talking. You feel respected and valued. As you show empathy and listen to your clients, you’ll demonstrate a genuine interest in their needs which in turn helps build trust.

3. Practice open communication.
When you practice open communication you are really demonstrating the unwillingness to withhold information from your clients. In so doing, your business practices become transparent, a quality that reveals your honorable nature.

4. Follow through.
There are some business owners who will make all sorts of promises, believing the promises alone will win customers. Unfortunately, customers soon loose interest in a company that doesn’t follow-through. If you tell a client you will do something you are bound to do it. Otherwise trust is lost.

5. Don’t gossip.
Clients will watch everything you do and make character judgments based on what they observe. People with integrity do not gossip. If your clients catch you speaking ill of someone else, they’ll begin to wonder how long it will take before you start gossiping about them.

When you build a trustworthy business, you earn a level of success you can really feel good about. Not only that, but in doing so you build relationships with clients that are based upon loyalty and respect. And that will enable you to retain clients more than anything else you may offer.

Author's Bio: 

Allen B. Bostrom, CPA, is President and CEO of Universal Accounting Center based in Salt Lake City, UT. He has over 30 years experience with businesses of all sizes and has taught over 25,000 people different aspects of Accounting and Business Management. He has authored countless business management articles for publication and distribution. His weekly e-zine goes to 20,000 readers.