In the late 1890's the American economy had been hit hard which caused widespread unemployment. This financial crises motivated men to try their luck in the gold fields. Men from all walks of life headed to the Yukon in Alaska. Many were professionals such as teachers and doctors who gave up careers to make the journey. William Howard Taft who because a U.S. President, Jack London the writer and Robert W. Service a folk-lyricist were just a few of them. They probably went for the adventure because their chance of finding significant amounts of gold was slim to none.

What they had to do to even get to the fields is mind boggling. They must have wanted either the adventure or the gold really bad. This was the journey they had to make:

Most prospectors landed in either Skagway or Dyea Alaska. From here they traveled the Chilkott Trail and crossed Chilkott Pass. Or they hiked up to the White Pass and walked to Lake Lindeman or Bennett Lake. This was 25 to 35 miles from where they landed. Now they had to build rafts and boats that would take them 500-plus miles down the Yukon to Dawson City which was near the gold fields.

They had to then carry over mountain passes a year's supply of goods which was about a ton, more than half of it food. This was so they could be admitted into Canada. The North West Mounted Police enforced this regulation.

These would have been mighty hardy men to go through all of this before they even came to the gold fields where they could pan for gold if there was any place left to stake claims. About 1,600 started overland via what was called the "all Canada" route. Only 160 of these ever made it to the Klondike.

If you want something bad enough what will you do to get it? These were men who had their eye firmly on their goal to reach the gold fields and to strike it rich and with all of the hardships they must have wanted it pretty bad.

How badly do you want to get rid of clutter in your home and office? Sometimes it isn't easy and just like the prospectors it can even be hard. Vince Lombardi said "Obstacles are what you see when you take your eye off the goal". Here are some practical and are carefully tested tips and tricks to get rid of clutter. If you don't know where you are going then any road will take you there.

1. Pick a room where you have clutter and sit down. But before you sit down get a notebook and a pen. Look around the room and write down what you like about what is there. Then write down what you don't like. It could be you like that the magazines are close at hand to read but they are all over the place so that doesn't work for you. You could write down you like the kinds of magazines you have. What isn't working for you could be that there are too many outdated magazines or too many of them.

2. Now you know what is working for you and what isn't working for you it is time to set a few goals. Ask yourself what you want this room to look like, and what you want the function to be.

3. As you sit there write down things that will help you get rid of clutter. Things like: buy containers to contain what you are keeping. Get rid of 20% (or some amount) of everything in this room or space. Donate things you and your family no longer use. Sell items you don't want to give away, no longer have a use for but are just creating clutter.

4. Work in only one room at a time. Get a BE basket (belongs elsewhere basket) and put things in it that go to other rooms. When you are through for the time you have allowed yourself then you can leave the room and put these items away.

5. Create places for everything you keep and put things away after using them.

6. Train/teach your family what your expectations are and elicit their help. This pays off big time even though it may take a short while for them to catch on that you seriously are going to get rid of clutter in your home.

If you want something bad enough what will you do to get it? These little mighty steps will have your home clutter free in no time at all.

Author's Bio: 

Marilyn Bohn is the owner of Get it Together Organizing, a business dedicated to developing practical organizing solutions that help individuals and business professionals live clutter-free and productive lives. She is the author of "Go Organize! Conquer Clutter in 3 Simple Steps".

Marilyn takes the often stressful subject of organizing and breaks it down into a simple, easy to understand system. Her methods are both eye-opening and encouraging! Visit her website