Have you ever felt that you weren’t good enough? Smart enough? Pretty enough? Worth it?

Maybe you were told these things directly, or you interpreted an innocent comment in a negative way. However these thoughts and beliefs got into your head is irrelevant. They are there and their negative energy is haunting you and preventing you from living your life to the fullest.

In order to attract and live a life you love, you have to believe that you can get it and that you deserve to have it.

Here are 6 tips to help you build your self confidence and believe you’re worth it.

1. Do something you’re good at. Everyone is good at something. What are your hidden talents? Do you love to sing, write, paint or play a musical instrument? Are you a whiz with numbers? Whatever you’re good at, do more of it. And share your talent with others. A little praise goes a long way.

2. Record all your achievements. When you measure your success based on big accomplishments, you’ll feel disappointed and discouraged because they don’t happen every day. When you write down your daily accomplishments and small victories, you’re
confidence rises because you see results instantly.

3. Choose to be healthy and fit. Being active and feeding your body healthy food changes your brain chemistry and your appearance. When you know you look good, feeling more confident is a given.

4. Smile more. A genuine smile is contagious. When you approach people and situations with a smile on your face, it eases the tension and changes the energy. Focus on what’s good in your life right now and you will have a lot more to smile about.

5. Help others. One of the fastest ways to feel better about yourself is to go and help someone in need. Knowing that you made a positive difference in someone’s life will make a huge difference in yours.

6. Set small, achievable goals. Focusing on big, unrealistic goals will set you up to fail. Break your goal down into bite size pieces and chip away at it one step at a time. You will feel a lot more confident knowing that you are one step closer to getting what you want.

Action Challenge

Choose one tip from the list above and implement it into your life today.

Author's Bio: 

Carly Cooper is a life coach, speaker and author of Balance the Mother Load: R.E.I.N.V.E.N.T. Your Life in Just 8 Weeks! She has been interviewed in various magazine publications and TV and radio shows.

In addition to coaching working moms on how to Balance their Mother Load, she is also a certified Law of Attraction practitioner and has helped hundreds of people deliberately attract a life they love through her workshops, group seminars and 1 on 1 coaching.