1. Realize you are stuck in habits. Become aware of what you have tried in the past that has not worked. Become willing to let go of what hasn’t worked while honoring previous attempts.

2. Become open to other perspectives. Focus on the solution not the problem.
3. Examine your beliefs and how they have and have not served you. Realize there is a choice of which path or action to take.
4. Evaluate your next steps; am I doing them out of choice, habit or fear? Check them out with others.
5. If you make mistakes, realize its part of the path. See what your part is and apologize where necessary. Acknowledge it. Learn from it – what’s the lesson in it.
6. Evaluate your plans by whether they fit your beliefs and values. Act accordingly.

Change and transformation are difficult – if it weren’t you would already be doing it. That is why we need support and guidance along the way. Are you ready to change?

To accomplish great things, we must dream as well as act.
— Anatole France

We need to let the old go, so the new can emerge.
— Peggy Bassett

Do you connect to any of these?

Is your life on hold until the time is right (and it's never right)?

Do you give your power away?

Do you take care of others needs and ignore your own?

Do you openly and honestly express your truth and opinions?

Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired?

Are you ready and willing to change?

Are you willing to put as much energy into changing as you were into stagnating?

Are you ready to decide?

Author's Bio: 

Ada Gimlan is a Life Coach and Change Manager. She focuses on helping people who are ready to change - transition their careers, connect to life purpose, looking for new directions, losing weight etc.; people who are interested in living authentic lives.
To learn more go to http://www.InnerCoreCoaching.com