Say you need to cross the street at a busy intersection, you get to the corner, look to the far side, see that you have a green light and start walking into the street; suddenly, to your horror the light turns red. You look to your right and see a red car speeding towards you, you have to jump back up on the sidewalk to not get hit.

Once more, you see the green light and you start walking, as you're in the middle of the road the light turns red again and you have to run back to the sidewalk before you get flattened. You may start thinking what's going on? Why is this happening to me? All I want to do is get to the other side of the road...

What does this have to do with overcoming self-doubt? I'll tell you in a little bit; but first, here are a few tips to help you overcome self-doubt.

  • The inner game of self doubt: have you ever noticed how some athletes talk to themselves when they're in a competition? The fact is, we all speak to ourselves pretty much all day but what we don't realize is that much of this self talk is negative. Have you ever caught yourself in negative self talk? Start paying attention, notice just how harmful this can be. In his book “The Inner Game Of Tennis” Timothy Gallway explains that we all have an inner critic that may be sabotaging our success, we have to learn how to let go of this inner critic and get out of the way for our own good.
  • Limiting your thoughts: the next time you really want something, do you really believe you can get it? Or is there some little part of you that says that you're not worthy, that it's impossible to achieve, that you shouldn't even think about it because you're not going to get it anyway. Well I have some news for you, whatever you're thinking, you're right. If you think it's not possible, it's not. You have the potential to get what you want but without fully accepting the possibility that it can happen, it doesn't.
  • Learn to be optimistic: we've all met people that we think are optimistic, that always see the bright side of things and that somehow the grass is greener on their side. When it comes to us it's a different story, we think of ourselves as realistic and we suck it up. What is the difference between you and the optimist? It has to do with how you explain things to yourself. In his book “Learned Optimism” Martin Seligman explains that optimists have a particular way of explaining life's circumstances to themselves that allow them to be happy. Pessimists on the other hand, are the polar opposite. The good news is, that optimism can be learned.
  • Learn to meditate: meditation has been the cornerstone of spiritual development throughout the ages; research now shows us that it benefits many aspects of our lives. It takes is discipline, persistence and patience but the payoff is priceless. Self-knowledge is the best cure for doubt.
  • Practice affirmations: Remember the story of the little train that repeated to himself “I think I will...I think I will...I think I will...” He was actually on to something, studies into human behavior have shown that affirmations are a key tool in achieving goals. To get the best of your affirmations, make sure that you're clear on the messages that you're giving your subconscious mind, there's a right way to craft them.
  • Practice Visualization: elite athletes and Navy SEALs use this a lot, why? Because it prepares you mentally to face the challenge that you're up against. Have you ever heard the expression “it's easier the second time around?” Rehearsing a performance in your mind, making it as real as possible, is that first run that makes it all easier.

If you're that person crossing the street, self-doubt is that red light that's constantly turning you back and it makes it pretty hard for you to achieve anything at all. That's why it's important for you to learn techniques to overcome self-doubt. Finally, here's the last strategy you can use: break goals up into mini steps. Achievement taken one small step at a time is much easier and provides the foundation for achieving much greater goals.

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