1. It's really simple

Spanish shouldn't be very complicated, the pronunciation as well as spelling is quite easy.

Due to the fact that Spanish is really a phonetic language, words and phrases are usually spelled just as they are pronounced.

2. Speaking one language helps you discover additional.

When you understand how to speak Spanish, you will merely open up the doors to alternative languages, French and Italian getting the most similar. You might also dramatically improve your English skills, whether English is your mother tongue or not. The reason for that is because you'll find yourself understanding a great deal about grammar for the most part. As soon as you learn one language, understanding an additional just becomes even a lot easier.

3. You can become very knowledgeable about the Spanish customs.

Spanish culture, is one more a single from the benefits of studying Spanish. Not only are you going to learn Spanish, but you can also get a better comprehension with the diversity from the arts and culture on the Spanish speaking population. Believe about the extreme varieties of food and recipes. Considering the several Spanish speaking countries out there, there's almost too significantly Spanish food to discuss. Discover

4. Understand some Spanish music

How about all of individuals Spanish singers out there who incorporate Spanish into their English vocals, or merely sing a beautiful song in Spanish? You may have the ability to realize them. Performers like, Gloria Estefan from Cuba, Enrique Iglesias from Spain, Shakira from Columbia.

5. Understand Spanish Movies

Spanish speaking actors like Penelope Cruz from Spain, Antonio Banderas from Spain, and Salma Hayak from Mexico the list goes on. Penelope Cruz did a fantastic movie called Volver, all in Spanish, wouldn't it be wonderful to shut off the subtitles?

6. Guide other people

Very little seems much better as to able to support somebody else who is struggling. Say you're in a restaurant in Puerto Rico and there can be a tourist who's having a hard time ordering her food since the waiter speaks Spanish and she does not. You can now walk over to her in confidence and say ¿puedo ayudar usted? (may I assist you?)

7. Improve your memory

Studies have shown those who know yet another language actually improve their memory in time. It also expands your thought processes as any language is composed different expressions, causing you to believe more often.

8. Spanish is not a complete stranger.

You will discover so many words in the Spanish vocabulary that are either identical as the English translation, or at least exceptionally synonymous and have the same meanings.

You can find a substantial range of words in Spanish that are either exceptionally similar to those in English, whether they're spelled the identical or a tiny bit various. Having said that, you currently know quite a lot of Spanish. The term for this really is cognates. There are pure, true and false Spanish cognates, the pure and the true cognates are the words you'll already recognize.

Author's Bio: 

I am a self taught speaker of Spanish and have been learning Spanish from the ground up. After trying out and purchasing many learn Spanish software programs and at home products, I found the right one and was able to learn Spanish successfully. I created Begin Spanish Now to help others learn Spanish too. There are so many benefits of learning Spanish You can find simple lessons and tutorials, including numbers, pronunciation and much much more.