Skin care is serious business and one of the prime concerns of women. No wonder thee is a vast amount of information available to educate women about the importance of skin care so that they can retain a healthy and flawless complexion. However, where there is information, there is false information as well.

Here are some of the most common ones that you should be wary of.

1 – The Higher the SPF, The Better the Protection

Because sunscreens with higher SPF cost more, people generally think that they would be more effective as well. However, this is not true. Beyond SPF 30, the level of protection is more or less the same and increases only marginally. The higher cost is just because it contains more chemicals. Ideally, all you need is an SPF 30 to protect your skin against sunlight. Just make sure you re-apply after every 2-4 hours.

2 – Blackheads result from Dirty Skin Pores

Blackheads are caused by accumulation of sebum (oil) within the skin follicles and not because of dirt. The sebum combine with keratin, a protein component of the skin inside the follicle. When this mixture is oxidized by air, it results in black lumps – blackheads. You can use acne skin care products that contain salicylic acid to get rid of blackheads.

3 – The solution to Oily skin is Drying Products

Nope! You can never change your skin type. Oily skin cannot transform into dry skin no matter how much drying products you use. Skin type is determined by your natural physiology and that is something you cannot alter. Rather, if you dry out your skin, it will produce more oil to compensate for the lack of moisture and thus your skin will become more oily.

4 – Flaky skin is a sign of Dry Skin

Flaky skin is a result of dehydrated skin cells that start shedding off. Just like dehydrated skin lacks water, dry skin lacks oil. This is why even though oily skin can get dehydrated, it can never get dry. Use skin care products that are rich in ingredients like hyaluronic acid, lactic acid and humectants. However, do avoid using rich heavy creams.

5 – Containers of skin care products don't influence their Shelf Life

It does! All skin care product containers are not the same. It is a known fact that ingredients in your skin care products oxidize and loss efficiency as they come in contact with air. Thus skin care products in tubes have a longer shelf life than those that come in jars. This is because tubes have a small opening that let in as little air as possible. Moreover, when you dip your fingers in the jar, bacteria and dirt from your hand can contaminate the product.

6 – Antioxidants are the magic Anti Aging Ingredients

There is no doubt that antioxidants are great skin care ingredients. But that doesn't mean they are miracle anti-aging ingredients. They do help in neutralizing the damage caused to skin cells and thus delay the appearance of aging signs. However, many antioxidants are unstable which makes them lose their potency even before you apply them on your skin. Though they can delay the appearance, there is no proof that they can treat the already existing wrinkles and age spots.

7 – All Alcohols are bad for the skin

Though alcohols like S.D. Alcohol should be strictly avoided, there are certain alcohols that are used as emollients that are beneficial for the skin. Examples include cetyl alcohol, benzyl alcohol, oleyl alcohol and others.

8 – Preservatives in skin care products are harmful

Parabens are included in skin care products because they help to prevent the growth of bacteria and thus extend the shelf life of skin care products. They are currently feared to be carcinogenichHowever, the FDA still considers them safe currently. Tthey are included only minimally in skin care products. Just shcek the label and make sure parabens are not too high on the ingredient list.

9 – SPF in cosmetics is more than enough

Though make up and cosmetics with SPF are great to use, they cannot replace the importance of sunscreen in a skin care regimen. Even if you use SPF containing make-up you still need to apply a good sunscreen before venturing out in the sun.

Author's Bio: 

Naomi Andrews is a eminent skin care counselor and has worked as an esthetician in several spas and medical spas. She has extensive experience of doing a lot of laser treatments, facials and chemical peels and advises women to buy discounted beauty products and skin care cosmetics online.