Writing a book seems like such an immeasurable task. But with proper direction, all writers have the ability to see their story in book form. This article will guide you through the basic process of writing and formatting your story. You’re not alone in this venture, there are about 195,000 new titles published in the U.S. each year; is yours next?

Do you have an expertise which may benefit others? Has your imagination run wild with thrilling mysteries others may enjoy reading about? Or do you simply have a story to tell? If you feel there is a book inside you, the first step to turning your idea into a book is of course, writing it.

What to Write;
1. First and foremost, write what you know. With experience comes knowledge, and you will enjoy writing more when you are familiar with your subject.
2. When you choose your books subject matter, check your resources (library or internet) to make sure the book market is not already saturated with similar books.
3. Look for a niche, something new that hasn’t been previously published or puts a new twist on a subject.
4. Avoid a book idea which requires the reader to make notes in the book. Libraries and some booksellers prefer not to carry books which include several work sheet pages because they lose value once written in.

Your Title;
Your title should be directly related to your books subject. It should be “catchy” but subject related. For instance, if your book is about your dog spot, a title such as, “Spot on the Rug,” might make your reader believe tour book’s about carpet cleaning. So make your title obvious to what the book is about. Titles should be not more than 3 to 5 words and use your sub-title to explain what your book will include. Create a sub-title to explain what your book will include. Research the name to be sure the title has not been previously published (search Amazon.com books or Books In Print.

Outline and Write;
Every manuscript contains an introduction, information, and conclusion, in other words, a beginning, middle, and ending. To start, define each of these categories in relation to your book idea. For instance, a non-fiction book on stress relief may begin with “what is stress.” The middle text may explain “how to relieve stress.” The ending may finish with “now that you are stress free…”
For a fiction book, the beginning may open by developing your characters and their place within your story. The middle is your story line or plot, and the ending is where your story concludes.
Once you have established these elements to your book, you can begin filling in the chapter titles according to the order of your stories events. Choose titles which are clear and define the content of that particular chapter; especially for non-fiction books. Compile your chapters and organize them in a logical order.
Once you have a complete outline finished, it’s time to begin “filling in the blanks.” With a proper and orderly outline of your story, you can flow through your writing process with confidence and ease.

What is My Outcome?;
Most commonly, the length of your manuscript determines what type of publication you have.
• Short story – under 15,000 words
• Novella – 15,000 to 29,999 words
• Short novel – 30,000 to 44,999 words
• Novel – 45,000 to 69,999 words
• Plus or super novel – over 70,000 words

Of course there is more to putting your book together than is listed here. There will or may be a need for front and back matter to your book, an ISBN (International Standard Book Number) number, bar-coding, etc. The best way to determine your pre-production needs is through research. Simply by opening some books and comparing the content, you will learn of additional book components. To learn more about each one, either search the internet or ask your local librarian. Some popular ezines online walk new authors through the entire process for free. I suggest A Book Inside Ezine to start. There you can find the archives to each step involved. A Book Inside, FREE monthly ezine

Author's Bio: 

Carol Denbow is a retired business owner, mom of two awesome kid’s, and the author of three non-fiction books. Carol shares her writing and publishing experience with forthcoming authors through her monthly ezine, "A Book Inside." In addition, Carol has built and maintains seven websites devoted to promoting the books of first-time authors.