Art career change can also bring change to our relationships, most often positive.
Making change in our the career life often causes our relationships to be affected, expecially at first. There is some risk involved. We discover new things about ourselves and our alliances. First and foremost, we must support our own forays into deeper satisfaction during art career change. What follows is an interesting dynamic. We notice who among our family and friends are supportive and who are not. It can be enlightening, and a little unsettling, to notice and manage this new territory. We are confronted with how to respond. We learn to let go of certain influences and embrace others. We must learn effective strategies for staying true to our career direction while communicating our needs to significant others. Once-allies may grow distant, others may draw near. Some allies just need time to absorb our new direction. It's an interesting road that needn't be full of alienation. In fact, as a creativity coach, I have witnessed relationships become closer as a bi-product of following a new art career path. Why? I think it's because while living closer to our true Creative Core, we are more fun to be around.

It's best to be mindful of what's going on.
When we venture into artist career change, whether a seasoned veteran or a new aspirant, we can expect change in our relationships. One of my coaching client's marriage was in trouble during a particularly confusing juncture in his career as a journalist. We were able to sort out his core focus, which was to write a novel. He arranged his life so that the book could become a reality. And guess what? His marriage straightened out as a result. Creative stresses in our art careers (whether exciting or stressful, or both) impact our relationships. It's important to understand what is going on. For example, it was key for my art coaching client to delay making big decisions about his personal life until he had solved his career confusion. Once he solved that, he was able to gain more perspective on his marriage. A art career coach will help to clarify changes in your relationships--with lovers, parents, siblings and other family members, friends, and co-workers. The art coaching process will raise questions such as: How is my situation affecting my behavior? How are significant others perceiving and responding to my transition? Is it time to discuss issues openly or would it be wiser to wait until more clarity comes? Who has a supportive and affirming attitude toward my Creativity, goals and art career? Who does not have a supportive and affirming attitude? As an art career coach, I often witness that a little awareness and wisdom go a long way toward managing our career changes and relationships.

Know your Creative Voice and who supports it.
Find ways to be in touch with your Creative Voice. Listen. It will speak louder, but only if we listen. We identify the Creative Voice by its thematic features, and we can all benefit by listening more closely. It's the Voice of fulfillment, the one that is inter-subjective, that creates diversity, seeks justice, invites, unites, is wonderful, awesome, fascinates, is connective, is increased by sharing, refreshes, brings flow, joy and creativity. Bring more people into your life who "love" your goals--the kind of souls who ask about your work because they are sincerely interested, not because they are measuring you according to their own standards of success. Identify the souls who nod because they get what you are talking about, who want to know more, who ask lots of questions of interest, who offer thoughtful responses, who are willing to tell you the truth, who can guide you, wittingly or unwittingly. Be the sort of Creative friend to others that you hope they will be. "Love" their goals and see what happens. Find more of these open, non-judgmental others who care about their world and care to expand horizons with you. When you find them, give all you've got to them and let them give to you.

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*Article by Barbara Bowen of - the definitive source for Art Career and Creativity Coaching. Contact Barbara Bowen, creativity coach, with your art career change questions. She would love to hear from you.*

Author's Bio: 

Barbara Bowen is an artist and founder of Gateways Coaching, helping art professionals in transition worldwide to clarify goals and reach them faster. For an in-depth profile, please visit her Web site:

Contact Barbara Bowen with your questions about creativity coaching and art career change. She would love to hear from you.