Have you ever wondered what separates the big name guru's
from the average small marketer? It's obvious, if you think
about it.

The big marketers all write. Whether it's articles or
eBooks, they all take advantage of the power of the written

They know that authors are automatically considered
authorities. The average person thinks whatever they read
is true. The person writing it must be an expert.

Listen to what Joe Vitale has to say about it. “The author
is the author-ity.” Pretty strong words from “Mr. Fire.”

They also know that writing is extremely prestigious.
Writing is the fast-track to fame. Our society places a
high value on writers.

Think about those two facts. While most marketers are
trying to promote products and services, the savvy
marketers are promoting themselves, through writing.

In their quest to stand head and shoulders above their
competitors, they write. It just makes sense.

If given a choice between handing their hard earned dollars
to an anonymous marketer or spending it with a recognized
authority, the authority will grab the sale nine times out
of ten.

So how can you get on the fast-track to fame and fortune?
Start writing informative articles. It's the easiest way to
get your feet wet and to start branding yourself as an

As your ability increases and your name starts becoming
recognizable, try some more ambitious projects. Write a
series of email lessons. Get started on your first free

Don't wait for everything to be perfect. Start writing and
correct course as you go. You're not trying to be the next

If you are serious about your business and want to stand
out from the competition, start writing today. It's your
shortcut to fame and fortune.

Author's Bio: 

John Colanzi wrote this article. If you liked it, there’s more where that came from! Visit www.johncolanzi.com to read more, and get your info. packed 506 page email marketing manual valued at $49.95!