Yesterday our 44th president was sworn into office. Regardless of who you may have voted for, I think we would all agree that something’s going on in America. The air is abuzz with possibility and hope. For me, this is the first time I’ve witnessed people come together regardless of age, background, ethnicity, political party, gender or economic diversity. It’s a beautiful time of hope for the future.

For so long many of us have complained about the way things are, but did little to improve the situation. But things are changing. There’s a new energy building. Everyday people are being empowered to step outside their comfort zone and play a bigger game in the world.

Many of us feel hope for our country for the first time in many years, although there are still things that we want to change in the world. Reminds me of the song, “Let There Be Peace on Earth” and let it begin with me.

Because no matter what “it” is, it always begins with me. Gandhi had it right when he said, “Be the change you want to see in the world.”

The older I get the more I realize the greatest wisdom in life is always simple.

If you want the world to be a kind place, be kind.

If you want the world to be happy, be happy.

If you want the world to be loving, be loving.

Don’t like what’s happening at your children’s school, at the office or in your neighborhood? Be the change.

“Someone ought to do something about that”. Guess what? Someone is you! Someone is me! Instead of stepping up to complain, step up to make a difference and BE the change.

Change isn’t something that just happens or something that you sit and wait for. Change is something that you create. Change is an action verb. Change is an opportunity and it’s knocking on our door today.

Never has the need been so great, never has the opportunity been so available. The time is now. Step forward and be the change in your world.

Author's Bio: 

The Self Growth Official Guide to Inspiration is Gail Lynne Goodwin. Gail Lynne Goodwin, known as the Ambassador of Inspiration, has been lifting people's spirits for years. Motivated by mentors like Jack Canfield, Wayne Dyer and others, Gail realized the importance of daily morning inspiration in her own life. After years of gathering and sharing some of the best available inspirational wisdom with others, she founded Inspire Me Today in 2008 to make the Best of the Best Inspiration Daily, easily available to the world. Get daily inspiration and your free "Secrets to Soaring" eBook at Now!

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