I was awakened mid-January by this thought, “Before you know it the year will be over”.

That thought spurred me into action and I got up and began doing the things I had resolved to do this year but hadn’t. I crawled out of bed at 4:30 in the morning; hours earlier than usual; exercised for the first time this year; ate a healthy breakfast and began reading Lee Milteer’s book “Spiritual Power Tools”. The book was a gift from last year that I had never gotten around to reading.

Positive Expectation

Lee Milteer presents some interesting points. She states that physicists agree that everything in life, whether it’s a person, a chair, or a flower, vibrate because it is all pure energy. This same energy that causes things to vibrate also causes things to attract. She goes on to explain that we can attract abundance and good things in our life by imagining that they have already become a reality. I call this positive expectation.

A good example of positive expectation is the case of a young person who turns 21 and can’t wait to pull out their driver’s license to prove to the store employee that they are old enough to buy alcoholic beverages. In most cases, when they reach the checkout stand, they are not even carded! Why? Because, before approaching the checkout stand, that young person has the positive expectation that they can legally buy those drinks. That positive expectation attracts the same expectation from the sales clerk who as a result, doesn’t feel the need to ask for identification. In other words, positive expectations generally produce positive results.

Negative Expectation

Some people seem to be bound by negative imaginary strongholds. They live in fear, lack confidence, and expect the worst. I call these feelings negative expectations. Unintentionally, their negative expectations cause them to attract negative people, even strangers, who are looking for someone to victimize. This often results in them being abused or physically assaulted.

As is true for the positive side, negative expectations generally produce negative results.

Physical objects often help turn a Negative Expectation into a Positive Expectation

Besides having positive expectations, there is another step we need to take to attain the things we want out of life: we must take positive action. An example of taking positive action is cleaning out the second garage bay to make room for the new car you want but don’t yet have.

Physical objects can help you take that positive action needed to produce positive results. The 21 year old in the example above had a physical object (their driver’s license) that provided the confidence needed. A clean garage bay in the other example is the physical object that can produce a positive expectation of purchasing a new car.

Dumbo the elephant didn’t need anything in order to fly and the scarecrow of Oz didn’t need a brain to think. All they needed was a physical object to help them take the positive action necessary to produce a positive expectation that resulted in success. One used a “magic” feather to give him the courage to jump off into the air and fly; the other used a diploma to help him think great thoughts and to realize that he already had a brain.

If your are living in fear for your personal safety or the safety of a loved one, take positive action by getting a physical object that will turn that fear into a positive expectation. Maybe you or that loved one need a stun gun or pepper spray, not only for physical defense, but to mentally break that negative stronghold of the fear of being victimized. A pepper spray or stun gun will provide the inner strength and confidence to end negative thinking patterns.

Bad things can happen to anyone, so it is better for everyone to prepare now for possible bad situations later.

Whatever you want to accomplish this year, don’t let the year slip by without developing positive expectations in your life through taking positive actions.

If you are in need of personal protection products, visit my website at: www.your-protection.com.

These physical objects will help you or your loved one to gain the positive expectation that you can defend yourselves against any attacker.

Best regards,

Alexander Ray

Author's Bio: 

Alexander Ray along with his wife founded Alexander Ray Enterprises and started a website www.robinskeen.com
after buying some pepper spray for his wife and then doing some research on it.

He later threw away the cheaply made product and began to recommend quality products to friends and when he realized he had found a new way to help others he persued selling self defense products as a business.