Finding the best cruise deals can be a daunting experience if you have never had the pleasure of sailing the high seas before. Where do you start?

Truth is, finding the best cruise deals isn't as much of a trauma as it once was. Once upon a time it was almost a privilege to go on a cruise holiday but today, with more ships being built and cruise lines increased schedules, great cruise deals practically jump out at you every day.

Still, if you can shave a few extra dollars of the already attractive prices then why not. In this article, we'll outline the two best methods of getting the best deals.

Your Travel Agent

Despite the influence of the internet a travel agent still rules the roost when it comes to serving you in finding the best deals for cruise holidays. Many seem to overlook them today as the first go to for quotes.

This is a little mystifying because they have the ability to not only do the important "leg work" for you and locate your cruise holiday, but they can also get you on a ship for the least amount of dollars.

There is something you need to do though; don't accept the first prices or prices offered to you. Let them earn your business. In fact, don't stop at the first travel agent you come to. Shop around and get a list of respective prices for the same cruise you're interested in.

Go back to each of the agents with the lowest price you were able to find and then ask them to beat it if they want your business.

Online Cruise Deals

There are many excellent resources online which can help you hunt down the best cruise deals. The competition is fierce and online travel sites want your business.

Go online and make a list of the top ten or twelve sites. The first thing you need to do is look for their newsletter. The reason you want to do this is because these newsletters are sent out on a regular basis and they are usually full of bargains.

Make a list of the cruises which interest you and then take these to your travel agents. Simply ask them whether they can beat the price. If not, you have the alternative of going back to your online site to purchase your ticket.

In a nutshell, doing a little extra "grunt work" during the shopping phase can really pay off and find you the best cruise deals. Even shaving 10% off the original listed price means extra money to splurge on your trip.

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Want to know how to score some great cheap cruise deals ? You'll want to read this informative guide! Plus, read the latest cruise deal news and reviews on how to score a great cruise bargain.