Do you want to super charge your mind? As Human Beings we have a huge storehouse of mental power just waiting to be tapped.
There is a method of applying this mental power to anything you want to do that will increase your productivity and efficacy exponentially.

I call it Creative Concentrated Focus.

This is a force I discovered through meditation and my practice in the healing arts, and I'm finding that it works wherever it is applied. I have used it on clients with decade old chronic pain and seen their discomfort disappear permanently. I have applied it in jiu jitsu matches and dominated opponents. Now I'm applying it to marketing to make a killing in the direct sales industry.

Each word in the name, Creative Concentrated Focus, is a dynamic aspect of the formula.

1. Creative. Creativity is how we bridge gaps. the gap between an idea and it becoming reality. The gap between a problem and its solution. The gap between your product and the potential customer, etc.
Creativity is when we start with nothing and pull something out of you know where to fill a need. It is the hinge pin of problem solving.

2. Concentrated. Concentration is the measure of how much of a given substance there is mixed with another substance. The substance in this instance is creative energy. Observe the gap, think about solutions, and let the creativity flow.

3. Focus. Shut out everything that is not directly related to the problem at hand. Get tunnel vision. Close your mind to everything except the one thing you are working on. And apply the concentrated creative energy to your work.

This is a fairly simple formula, but one that is under exposed. I would bet that every highly successful entrepreneur out there practices this. Though thy probably use different language to describe it.

Without Creativity there are no new insights. No growth. Stagnation sets in and things begin to rot. Creativity is the infusion of new life. It is an aspect of the power that moves the universe.

Without concentration there are to many unusable variables pit in play. We want to create an environment with the highest amount of usable energy possible.

Without focus there are too many distractions, and too many forces pulling in different directions.

When you mix the three together you create a mental laser beam capable of anything. It’s a magic wand, wave it and create any reality you chose.

Creative Concentrated Focus is what separates the highly successful from the mediocre.
Learn to apply it, master it, and succeed at any endeavor you chose.

My blog has all kinds of interesting mental tid bits, go ahead and check it out. You will find some great self-development ideas to put in play and supercharge your life.

As humans our minds are extremely powerful. Are you putting your mind to use for your highest possible good? Is it a super-charged laser beam?

Author's Bio: 

Joshua is a Master of subtle energy healing, self-development coach, public speaker, and entrepreneur in the direct sales industry. He lives in the Maine with his wife two kids and a very old dog.