If you are dealing with anxiety you’re not alone, I’ve had nagging feelings of insecurity for as long as I can remember. On more times than I care to admit I doomed myself to failure because of negative thinking. As painful as these experiences have been to my psyche, it has made me the person I am today. As the Nietzscheism goes, that which doesn't destroy me makes me stronger; I feel like a better person due to the experience of defeat and anxiety. It's hard to accept the pain and disappointment of life but it is a vital necessity for growth. Just like a garden flourishes from the nutrients of excrement, we bloom from the shit of adversity. Over the past few years I've taken on my fears and insecurities head on. While the battle rages on, I am winning and in the end will triumph. Below I've listed the steps that have helped me and continue to help me. I hope they can be a benefit to you.
1. Motivation: The philosopher, Fredrick Hegel once said that nothing good can happen without passion. If you want to challenge a problem you have to want it in your gut. It has to permeate your being to the point that you commit to never giving up.
2. Steady the mind: All battles begin and end in the mind. The mind interrupts and judges the events of your life. An unsteady mind can be a cruel and treacherous demon. I regularly meditate and have incorporated exercise in my life. Find what brings your mind into focus for yourself.
3. Healthy Living: Because all things happen in the mind, there is no separation of mind and body. If you treat the body with respect and care, your mind will gain the benefits. It's all about seeking balance and control. Being selective about what goes in your body gives you the power of choice instead the victimization of impulse.
4. Be Compassionate: There is no underestimating the power of love. The more you give the more you get from life. Plus, it breaks our natural tendency for selfish thought and behavior. The more I focus on caring for other living things I find the less I focus on myself.
5. Be an Observer: This requires discipline. To truly liberate yourself from the grind of life you must live in the moment. It sounds cliché but once you can observe the moment you will feel the moment as it is. You accept it. Always be aware of yourself and your emotions. It will take practice but the dividends are immeasurable.
6. Simplify and Identify: Often many of the issues we face are the symptoms of single emotions. In my case anxiety is the culprit, for others it could be depression or anger. Determine what is truly dogging you and give it a name. I named my anxiety Charlie.
7. Acceptance: This is the most important of all steps. Once you accept your life for exactly what it is nothing can touch you. All fear will leave. May we all have the power to accept life and eventually death.

Author's Bio: 

I was born the son of a Penecostal Minister. My family is extremely religious and dogmatic. It is because of this I have searced for my own meaning. I hope that the insights I've gleaned from my journey can be of help to you.