In The Secret History of Dreaming, world-renowned dream expert and author Robert Moss explores the vital role dreams, coincidence, and imagination have played throughout history. The following is an excerpt from this inspiring new book that offers both a manifesto and a challenge, showing how dreams of all kinds can and do change the course of history, and how it is possible for us to reclaim and use that power now.

“Truth moves through us when we sleep,” Roseanne Cash wrote in a song she titled “The Wheel.” Many musicians and composers will recognize what she meant. Billy Joel has kept a notepad by his bed to jot down ideas and lyrics for songs that come to him in his dreams. Sleeping in an attic room in London in 1965, Paul McCartney dreamed he heard a classical string ensemble playing and woke with “a lovely tune” in his head. He played it on an upright piano in the room. “I liked the melody a lot, but because I’d dreamed it, I couldn’t believe I’d written it. I thought, ‘No, I’ve never written anything like this before.’ But I had the tune, which was the most magic thing!” When fellow Beatles reassured him the tune was something new, he found the words and recorded the hit song “Yesterday.”25

In the pop music scene, many performers have described encounters with dream visitors — often departed family members or fellow musicians — who have provided counsel and inspiration. Another popular Paul McCartney song, “Let It Be,” was based on a dream visitation by his dead mother, Mary. He was run down from drug use, and the Beatles were beginning to break up. He fell into bed, deeply troubled, and dreamed his mother came to him and told him, “It’s all right. It’ll be all right.” When he woke, he wrote down these words for a new song: “Mother Mary comes to me, speaking words of wisdom, let it be.”26

John Lennon frequently received his inspiration in dreams or hypnagogic states. He told his biographer Frederic Seaman that he felt his “inspired” songs were usually far superior to “formula songs,” as he characterized many of those that he and Paul McCartney had produced in the early years of the Beatles. “Writing formula songs is like painting by numbers.” The good stuff comes to you in the middle of the night, out of a creative space, and you have to get up and write it down.27

How Dreams Saved Johnny Cash

Johnny Cash lost his beloved elder brother, Jack, to a horrible sawmill accident when both of them were teenagers. Throughout much of his life, Cash received dream visitations from his dead brother — who appeared to grow older from one visit to another, just as he would have done in ordinary life, and who emerged as the preacher and wise elder he had aimed to be. Cash’s brother often turned up at moments of challenge, and his knowing smile would guide Johnny to consider his choices very carefully.

Cash wrote about this in his autobiography: “Jack comes to me in person. He’s been showing up in my dreams every couple of months or so, sometimes more often, ever since he died, and he’s been keeping pace with me.” Jack always appeared to be two years older than Johnny. In the dreams, he was “a preacher, just as he intended to be,” offering practical wisdom.28

Though Johnny Cash’s rise in the country music business was meteoric, his life was dark and hard. Trapped in a loveless early marriage, lonely at home and on the road, he became addicted to amphetamines. Two things saved his life — June Carter and his dreams. June Carter was a gifted singer-songwriter. She was also a woman of profound religious beliefs, and as love between the couple grew when they toured together, she found herself thrashing in a terrible personal conflict, a choice between passion and hell. From her torment she created a song called “Ring of Fire.” She was so conflicted about it that she turned it over to Johnny to record — at a time when his career was slumping and he desperately needed a hit.29

The night before he was set to record “Ring of Fire,” Johnny dreamed he heard himself singing the song with an arrangement he had never heard before. “Mexican bullfighting trumpets”30 framed the song with a brassy riff that added a whole new range of feeling.

Nothing like this had ever been heard in country music, which was still straitlaced into a tradition that excluded trumpets, horns, and even drums. But when Johnny shared his dream with his new producer, Jack Clement grasped at once that bringing in mariachi trumpets could give the new record a wildly exciting new edge. “Ring of Fire,” with the trumpet chorus, became a monster hit and made Johnny Cash a superstar.

Cash continued to track his dreams until the end of his life. He dreamed he called on Queen Elizabeth and she told him he was “like a thorn tree in a whirlwind.” The phrase haunted him, got him thinking about passages in the Bible, and eventually this gave birth to his later hit song “And the Man Comes Round.”31

Excerpted from the book The Secret History of Dreaming © 2009 Robert Moss. Printed with permission of New World Library, Novato, CA. or 800-972-6657 ext. 52.

Author's Bio: 

Robert Moss is the author of The Secret History of Dreaming and The Three “Only” Things: Tapping the Power of Dreams, Coincidence and Imagination. His website is