We are spiritual and incorporate a body in the process of being born; we do not incorporate a body and become spiritual. At an early age of our spiritual life we encounter religious beliefs that gives ethical encouragement but does not offer an upward path thereafter. As we progress on this spiritual path we are introduced to spiritual traditions but are never really shown how to get there.

There are no techniques that can effectively prepare you for what lies ahead on a spiritual path or otherwise except for those who go before you and therefore teach you the essentials. Every step on your spiritual path is a stepping-stone to higher consciousness concerning the various stages of spirituality.

Spiritual evolution is a long process and not one you can rush through. There are no magical techniques or religious based salvation that will help you on this path you have chosen. You will use each step as advancement on the spiritual ladder. Each step leads to enlightenment so there isn't any logic to skip one.

It is common sense that you build a home from the ground up. It is common sense that you advance spiritually from the ground up. Your spirituality progresses with where you are at on your path in life. Spirituality doesn't mean you avoid the reality of life. It enables you to look at it through different eyes. When your home is in order your physical harmony is flowing and radiates to all the other areas of your life. Each level of your house affects your growth. Good housekeeping frees your attention and your thinking.

As your awareness heightens you discover ways to uproot negative attitudes and thinking. You develop the ability to remain upbeat through change in your life. As you approach a higher level on your spiritual path you are able to make wise and conscious decisions with help from your inner voice of Divine Guidance.

Spiritual evolution allows you to live a life of radiant service to others by listening to the inner voice of your Divine Guidance. You are able to get out of your own way that sometimes keeps you from being the God essence that you are. You are able to simply be. Your advancement on your chosen path becomes simpler.

Enlightenment frees you from self-concepts. It frees your thinking and allows you to become a continuous channel for God's love. Your inner small voice works wonders for you. It will tell you exactly how to help by inspiring you with love perfectly, tenderly, timely, and effectively. No human designs of love can do this for you. Your spiritual path you are on has an impact on your whole life. From love to business it offers guidance.

As I mentioned earlier your spiritual house is built from the ground up. A spiritual house has four firm support areas. Let's define each one.

1. Spiritual Support. We need social involvement for spiritual development.

2. Spiritual Practice. Each path up the mountain is different and each takes a certain amount of effort. Enlightenment along this path helps to choose the path that is best for you. Being consistent aids in spiritual advancement.

3. Spiritual purpose. Moving beyond the level at which our problems exist in order to humanly serve others and further their divine purpose as well as ours. Concentrating strictly on our problems creates an imbalance in our lives. Life must be balanced and there must be a place for selfless giving in life.

4. Spiritual Work. One of the greatest benefits from work is doing it with the intention of blessing those who benefit from it. Applying your spirituality to all your creative endeavors in life helps you to advance on the spiritual level. Spiritualize your livelihood by putting your spiritual values to work for you no matter where you are.

Spirituality is a way of life. The first step is realizing what the law of cause and effect really mean. We can better our lives by knowing how we create the results we are getting. It is the desire that burns behind our expressions that intensifies our spirituality. It is understanding the energy level we are on by upgrading our intentions and thoughts to vibrate at the same level. Spiritual is as Spiritual does. It is you, it is your conscious thought process and knowing the affects it has on your life and others. Spirituality exists through consciously living a life of love, compassion, and support in all that you encounter on your chosen path. It is consciously choosing and being determined to incorporate love in your life and giving fear a quick escort to the door! Doing so creates peace, harmony, and puts reality into spirit, spirituality.

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About the Author

Vanessa Ebner is a Reiki Master Teacher, writer, and counselor.
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