This month I am making a special offer, in preparation for the launch of three new projects that will be coming on track over the next few months.

The first project is the publication of my next book, title under wraps so far (until I decide what it is!). The theme of the book is recipes for life and will include food recipes from a chef who is also an Emotional Fitness Coach trained by the Centre. This is an exciting and fun project that is intended for a wide audience and follows the lives of two people who are seeking greater personal fulfillment and balance. I’ll keep you posted on this.

The second project is in response to requests for Emotional Fitness Coaching from people who live across North America or even further afield from Calgary. Coaching can now be provided by telephone simply by making an appointment, initially by e-mail.

The third project is more ambitious and perhaps the most exciting. Emotional Fitness training will be offered at a distance to small groups (minimum three) using Internet, mail and telephone media. Watch this space and start thinking about the people you’d like to get together with to take this training. You can even become an Emotional Fitness Coach using this method.

Oh, and that offer. For the month of June, anyone who purchases a copy of “The 9 Steps to Emotional Fitness” is eligible for a free telephone coaching session. All you need to do is buy your copy through the Website and I will e-mail you your invitation to call me for a sample session. This offer only relates to books bought through the month of June and will be applied on a first come first served basis. Bear in mind that the longer you leave it, the later it will be before I can offer a session, so if you don’t already have this award-winning book, now is the time to order one. International reviewers said “an outstanding coaching or counseling resource” and “I was quickly captivated by how Warren Redman had blended structure into a process that gave intuition a major role.”

Bringing Emotional Fitness to people is my goal and my passion, and I look forward to connecting with you in some way so that, step by step, the world becomes a more peaceful, balanced place for all of us.

Warren Redman
1-866-310-3348 (EFit)

Author's Bio: 

Warren Redman trained in the UK as a psychotherapist, facilitator and coach and has developed his own unique style of Emotional Fitness Coaching. He is president of the Emotional Fitness Institute (formally the Centre for Inner Balancing), writing about, teaching and coaching people in Emotional Fitness. He is the author of fifteen books, including the Award-winning The 9 steps to Emotional Fitness, Achieving Personal Success and Recipes for Inner Peace.

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