Quality of life grows out of the moments we choose to connect with; whatever they may contain. Though imagined they may be, the moments in which we connect with our dreams are the seeds to a very REAL future. These moments are the essence of self motivation..

Using the imagination as a motivational tool means allowing the brightest facets of your dream to dictate how you experience, or connect with, the dream itself. All you’re doing here is creating a channel for the dream to find expression in your life.

The type of connection you're looking for inside these moments is really no different than the connections you've felt in the past.

For example - being in love. That's a felt connection.

Have you ever been to a really good party? Where everything and everybody just flowed? It was good energy. It was easy to feel. It was easy to connect with.

It's the "feel" that you want. The "feel" is your connection. The feel of your dream - the energy of your goal in your heart. Moments of these "feels" throughout your day will steer your life in that direction. And if you look around you - at the circumstances of your life right now - this is exactly what has happened.

Somewhere along your yesterdays, your "moments" contained the seeds of what your life is right now. It works whether you're aware of it, or not.

All we're doing here is establishing an awareness of a process that's been taking place all along. Establishing a "relationship" with the "moments" that shape your life is the most powerful step a person can take towards self-empowerment. This is self motivation in its finest hour.

This principle is that successful, and/or happy people apply continuously in order to get where they're at. They've repeatedly connected with that part of themselves -the feeling, passionate part. Doing this over and over again not only made them feel good about themselves; it opened their lives up to the circumstances that they're living in today.

They've learned to maintain and nurture this "connection" regardless of what the outside circumstances of their lives were at any given time. Some might call this a Faith Principle, and it is in a sense. But still, it's more than that.

When we connect with someone, or something, or a thought, the principles of physics come into play. And thoughts -thought "moments"- are very real, life-shaping variables. They are the precursors to anything physical and present, now.

So all those worn out phrases you've heard :

* "Like attracts like"
* "Birds of a feather flock together"
* "Luck attracts luck"

My personal favorite - "you reap what you sow" - are dead on the money.

These are not just sayings. These are fundamental principles that matter. And they're so simple. It's just a matter of paying attention to the forces that are shaping your life.

This is not some "forced" belief system where if you think it and think it and think it long enough, it will be true. This is about connecting to something that's already there inside you. Self motivation is about getting in touch with the deepest most fundamental aspects of “what” you are.

This is about choosing to connect with parts of your mind and heart that give you hope, and allow you to believe in your presence, and reason for being alive.

All of the strings, and ties, and pressures in your life - they're gonna be there. That's life. But no one says we have to let them be the driving force in our lives, and that's what happens when strings, and ties, and pressures are all that we think about, and "connect" with.

When you connect with YOUR intentions - your passion, your essence, your dreams - YOU become the driving force in your life. You become grounded. You enter a space where nothing feels as if it is "more than you."

Self Motivation Recap:

1. These "moments" - placed and parceled throughout your day - are the structural framework to whatever it is that you want.

2. The strength of that structure - that framework - will depend on your "connection" to these moments.

Author's Bio: 

Scott Allen Barker is the founder of Mental Health Drop In Center.

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