This morning we woke up to a snowstorm that has dumped more than 30 Centimetres (12 inches +) of snow. Our neighbour saw fit to shovel his snow, placing it behind our car. An old automobile is parked in the left turning lane, lights are off and snow has gathered on the windshield. As the car was approached an elderly man rolled down the window and asked for help. "It won't start", he said. Nobody, has booster cables, it seems, as dozens of drivers squeeze past avoiding eye contact. I am sure you can come up with some fine examples that happened to you today!

Ok, that's it, time for us to call for a global grassroots revolution of heart!

The Slogan
All have something valuable to offer, you too can be useful.

Imagine the need, problems and nature of burdens others have, and substantially think, care and action how you can contribute while taking care of yourself as well.

Substantially contribute to the spiritual, emotional, mental and physical quality of life for self and others.

Through living by example, inspire generosity of spirit as vital sources and contributing members of the community of humanity, for the betterment of self and all.

Is it so hard to take a minute during every moment of our lives, to satisfy our own needs and wants, and contribute to the quality of life for others? Can we care about ourselves while also caring about everything and everyone?

I have experienced and observed how we want others to cut us some slack, give us a break, consider our feelings, and so on. Yet, we will jump a line, wait for someone else to put the garbage out, and the list goes on. It must be hard for us to be gracious.

On the other hand, I have experienced and observed people who indulge in feasts of forgiveness, give spontaneous smiles to strangers, relieve others from burden. Possibly, grace toward others is not so much of a challenge?

So where do we stand? Is the global grassroots revolution of heart necessary? It is often said, "acts of kindness costs nothing". Well, if that was the case, more of us would be kinder. The fact is, there is a cost to caring and acting with generosity of spirit. The cost is awareness, self inspiration, motivation, imagination, energy and action. When we contribute our highest best quality of self and life for others we are required to give, often times without reward, materially or otherwise. So with this invitation to join the global grassroots revolution of the heart, comes a warning; a lot of people will be touched and affected. Other people may feel compelled then to pass it on to others.


Author's Bio: 

Jo-Ann L. Tremblay is a lecturer, businesswoman, personal/professional life coach, principal of Potentials Management, and author of "The Self-Coaching Toolbox" - Six Tools for personal and professional growth & development. Jo-Ann hosts general and corporate workshops, gives lectures and writes in the field of self-development. Jo-Ann lives in Ottawa, Canada. Website: