This is the season when we are reminded to give thanks. In the whirlwind of family events, how do we take time for mindful gratitude? One way is with a Gratitude Journal, a special book devoted to listing the things, large and small, that enrich our lives. If you have one that you’ve been ...

This is the season when we are reminded to give thanks. In the whirlwind of family events, how do we take time for mindful gratitude? One way is with a Gratitude Journal, a special book devoted to listing the things, large and small, that enrich our lives. If you have one that you’ve been neglecting, now is a great time to revisit it. If you don’t, consider finding a few quiet moments each day to list ten things you are grateful for. Choosing to focus on gratitude first thing in the morning creates a positive outlook for your whole day.

Another place where we focus on our gratitude is at the Thanksgiving table. This year, I invite you to slow down. Ask each member of the family to express their gratitude for one small blessing. Look at the food on your fork and express gratitude for that bite of food. This mindful practice brings you into the moment and centers you. Look at the person next to you and express gratitude for one of their special characteristics. Sharing small, simple thoughts of gratitude can help unify the people at your table and deepen the experience of eating together. And you probably won’t overeat if you are eating mindfully!

Today, my gratitude list includes ‘Bighearted Friends’ and ‘Good Health.’ Next week, Kathy Hartley, my friend and owner of the Lavender Inn in Ojai, CA, is generously dedicating 3 days at her beautiful bed & breakfast to support 10 women, all undergoing chemotherapy for cancer. The women will be treated to gourmet meals, spa treatments, massages, workshops and support for moving on with their lives. I will be providing life coaching as part of the program and, as I prepare to meet with these women, I am reminded of the preciousness of life and to take time to be grateful for each moment.

What are you grateful for?

Author's Bio: 

Brook Montagna, Life Coach, specializes in coaching individuals and groups to deepen their experience in life, to live boldly, and to manifest personal and professional success. Brook's coaching is grounded in mindfulness and helps clients develop focus, awareness, acceptance, peace and joy.
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