Many people would like to use herbs as a natural alternative to allopathic medicine, but have no idea how or where to get started.
Using herbs to heal is safe and easy if done with care. Here are a few ways you can get started using herbs to treat you and your family.

Compresses are used by soaking a clean cotton cloth in a herbal solution. It would be applied directly to the injured part of the body.

A decoction is a tea made from using roots, seeds, berries or bark of the herb. A decoction would be simmered for about 30 minutes but not boiled.

Essential Oils
Essential oils are the volatile oils that are distilled from plants. They are usually mixed with oil for massage oils, or other skin care and aromatherapy products. You can use essential oils as an inhalant for colds, or stress.

An ointment is usually made from soaking the herb in a carrier oil, and then has beeswax added to it to solidify it. You can also make an ointment by adding powdered herb to a plain salve.

A poultice is a hot, moist, soft mass of herbs, sped on a muslin cloth and applied to the injured area for one to eight hours. It helps relieve pain and inflammation. Ground or granulated herbs work best.

Author's Bio: 

Kathleen is a Certified Medical Herbalist and Aromatherapist. She loves teaching people the healing power of plants. When not teaching she writes for local magazines and newspapers. She and her husband Michael run Cloverleaf Farm, a small organic herb and produce farm in Effingham, New Hampshire.