In Part 1 and 2 of this four part series we discussed the importance of clearly defining what you want in your life and then, using the list of what you want, we created a plan to help you have it. Then, in Part 3 we discussed how to increase your enjoyment of life while also increasing your ...In Part 1 and 2 of this four part series we discussed the importance of clearly defining what you want in your life and then, using the list of what you want, we created a plan to help you have it. Then, in Part 3 we discussed how to increase your enjoyment of life while also increasing your productivity.

STEP 1: Clearly define what you want in your life.

STEP 2: Create a plan for having what you want.

STEP 3: Relax and allow synchronicities to happen.

STEP 4: Know yourself and be present with what is.

“If you truly wish to do something, then there is no effort involved. It’s easier to continue than to stop doing it. Therefore, if you feel that you are exerting an effort, stop and ask yourself if your activity is aligned with your motivation.” John R. Colt, Becoming a Millionaire Within a Year With No Effort

Least effort is most efficient. Zero effort is ultimate efficiency.

Imagine putting together a thousand piece puzzle when you really don't like putting
together puzzles and you feel it serves no purpose. How would you feel? Now imagine that you enjoy putting together the puzzle and completing it will bring you great wealth (or something else you truly value). In the second case, which is more difficult, continuing to work on the puzzle or stopping to do something that holds less value for you?

Once you become clear on exactly what you want, you will most likely begin to sort out that which moves you toward your desires from that which doesn’t. Knowing what you want brings to light your motivations for doing what you do. As more and more of your activities become aligned with your true motivations, your life will become increasingly effortless and you will naturally experience more time freedom.

Why do you do what you do?

When we say we don’t have enough time freedom we’re actually saying we’re spending too much time doing things we don’t really want to do. This may be a BFO (Blinding Flash of the Obvious) but upon closer inspection we see that our ability to decide truly is our power.

If you are spending time doing things you don’t want to do, you may want to ask yourself why. You may discover that although you don’t want to do a certain activity, you may want the expected outcome enough to make doing the activity worth it. In this case, you have identified the motivation and decreased your resistance to the activity. On the other hand, you may discover that the activity is not moving you toward your desired outcome. This presents an opportunity to decide.

Spending time in activities that are not of your choosing creates resentment. Saying “no” can sometimes be the best thing for all concerned. Remember, it’s important to put your own oxygen mask on first.

As Bill Cosby pointed out so eloquently, “I don’t know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody.”

I’m not suggesting that we become selfish and only do for ourselves; but that we become aware of our motivations and choices.
If you want to do something, schedule it. If you live an “I want it all” lifestyle, there will always be more to do than time allows.

We always make time for what we decide is important.

In today’s busy world, multitasking has become a skill of survival. Often we think we are getting more done by doing many things at once. The trick to successful multitasking is to take our cue from computers. On the surface it appears that computers are doing many things at the same time but in truth a computer can only execute one instruction at a time.

To increase the efficiency of your multitasking (and therefore increase your time freedom), put all of your attention on whatever you’re doing in the moment.

“What if you could dedicate fully 100% of your attention to whatever was at hand, at your own choosing, with no distraction? It is possible. There is a way to get a grip on it all, stay relaxed, and get meaningful things done with minimal effort, across the whole spectrum of your life and work.” For complete instructions on how to do this, I highly recommend David Allen’s book “Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity.”

Putting your attention fully in the present moment activity also gives you greater access to your intuition. Listening to your intuition can save you a lot of time and effort as you go more with the flow than against it. Learn to trust and follow you intuition; it’s your quickest route to time freedom.

The time freedom you seek can be had with a bit of introspection and planning. Time is an illusion we create to communicate within a shared reality. How you define it and what you do with it really is up to you.

Author's Bio: 

Shelia Norling is a leader in the mission to upgrade America to solar power. Create time freedom through the financial security this environmental mission can give you. Learn more at