Ever been in a tight spot where it’s your turn to bring a dish or dessert? Perhaps you’re always on the go; never enough time to fix a real meal. Or maybe you just need a quick appetizer…
Stop fretting; don’t pull another strand of your lovely hair out trying to impress your friends, boss, co-workers . . .

“Hello. My name is Mary Johnson Davis and I’m simply trying to help myself and in the process, Help You, too. Look, it seems we’re constantly bombarded with every kind of expensive, fancy-smancy cookbook man can put together; all containing hundreds, even thousands of gourmet recipes; mostly for your viewing pleasure. But let’s face it – who has the time?!! Who’s got the money??!

“That' why I have pulled out four of the simplest, most delicious, and affordable recipes this side of the Mississippi! No more thumbing through page after boring page of fancy recipes. They’re right at your fingertip - “Oh so good Shrimp Dip”; “Crème De `La Crème Banana Puddin”; “Mom’s Oh So Good Spaghetti”; and the most “Simply Delicious Fruit Punch”.

“Listen, can I be honest with you? I really need the money. But I’m willing to share something wonderful with you in exchange for it. Won’t you help me help myself; and, help you too in the process? Invest in me, invest in yourself. Make up your mind to purchase this e-Recipe book today, right now, for just $2. Go to the link below and while holding down the control button (ctrl) click on the link. It will take you to the lulu.com site to purchase my e-booklet (displayed in the upper right corner of this page). Don’t delay, do it today, you’ll be so glad you did!!!

“My e-Recipe cookbook gives you more than recipes - it gives you freedom, confidence, and a sense of accomplishment - - your own home-cookin'. That’s empowerment folks!”

"e-Recipes ~ Plain . . , Simple . . , and Oh . So ,
So . , Delicious ! ! ! "

Author's Bio: 

Mary Johnson Davis (601) 906-7558
2328 Skyline Drive
Jackson, Mississippi 39213

Mary Johnson Davis is a devoted wife and mother of four, three boys and one girl ages 11, 14, 22, and 28. She is also a dedicated choir member and youth leader at Greater Fairview Baptist Church in Jackson.

Mary is a veteran of the United States Armed Forces and presently works with the United States Government as a Finanial Analyst. She attended Hinds Community College where she earned an Associate of Applied Science degree in Administrative Assistant. Additionally, she attended Jackson State University where she earned several credits in Accounting.

Mary is a native of Jackson, Mississippi; the wife of Emanuel Davis, and the proud mother of three sons, Taylor, Brandon, and Dyone; and one daughter, Ivory.