What makes your studio a special place during the holiday season? Some studio owners find that this is a bit of a slow season, as regular students are busy with other things. But, it doesn't have to be. Maybe it's just me, but the “holiday season” seems to start earlier and earlier each year. I like to think of this time as an extended period during which you can better serve students and prospective students.
Your studio offers a peaceful haven amidst the frantic rush and mixed feelings many people have during this time of year. You can also help them solve some other problems, including what gifts to buy, how to fulfill New Years resolutions and more.
I'm going to give you a list of ways that can increase studio profits while at the same time helping people this holiday.
(If you want to skip directly to the holiday promotion ideas, Click Here)
But first, I want to remind you that while we're used to seeing sales and specials everywhere for stuff we don't want or need, what makes your use of these different is that you are coming from a place of genuine caring. You're not in this to just make a buck (I don't think I've ever met a studio owner who was just in business for the money).
As a studio owner, your goal is to sell people something that will truly enhance their lives, thus they are glad to pay for it (and will continue to come back for more). Remember, you are providing a very valuable service. You change people's lives. AND, you deserve to be paid fairly for this – please, don't sell yourself short.
How can you bring more students into your studio this holiday season? I'll show you how. These are some of people's top motivations during the holidays:
• They need to buy a gift and don't know what to get
• They are making New Years resolutions
• They are “challenged” emotionally by some aspect of the holiday experience and need to release emotions and reduce stress
• They are moved to give to others
With these four motivators in mind, the next step is to select ways to promote your studio's services and products in a way that will help people with these things. Let's break up potential students into three key groups:
• There are people who know what yoga is, they know they want to do it and they just need to find the right studio.
• There are people who are somewhat into yoga, do it intermittently, or have meant to get started with it again, but haven't. They just need the right nudge.
• Finally, there are people who don't know that they will love yoga (they might not even know what yoga is), but once they try it, they'll be hooked. These are great people to seek out.
Recruiting new students is usually not a one-step process. First, you want to introduce them to your studio. Once they feel some level of comfort with your studio, then they are ready to buy. Thus, some of the “specials” you offer will not make you much money, but they will introduce new students to the experience of yoga in your studio. Once the person has taken a class, then they are likely to sign up for more.
So with all this in mind, I'm going to go down a list of holiday promotions that may work for you. Note that different ones are better suited for some studios than others. Pick the ones that seem best for your situation:
1. Gift certificates. People often don't know what to buy. If you offer them, people will buy them. Make them flexible so they can be used on classes, workshops, merchandise, etc. When they are redeemed, you will accept them just like cash. Consider a discount on them (like 5-10% off face value), since they can bring in new business. Make sure you have a sign by your check-in area promoting them. Offer them on the main page of your web site (so everyone checking the schedule sees them).
2. Take phone orders on gift certificates, mail them to the recipient with a “personalized” holiday card. If you do media advertising, you can advertise this. Ideal for someone who doesn't want to go out and buy a gift. It's like sending flowers. Someone calls, tells you the amount of the gift certificate, what they want the card to say and who to send it to. They pay via credit card over the phone.
3. Discount for auto-renew memberships. This one is very effective – it keeps people from letting yoga slip out of their buys lives, and it allows more consistent income for your studio.. You automatically charge someone's credit card at the end of the term for unlimited packages. It can even be applied to class cards (when the card is used up, you charge them for another one and have it waiting at the front desk when they finish the class). Give a 10-20% holiday discount on the first purchase that they apply auto-renew to.
4. Buy-one get one free. You can do this with merchandise and certain classes. For example: Buy a 6 month unlimited package and get a free 10 class gift card. Or, Buy a 50 class card and get a free 5 class gift card. The “gift card” is a class card that comes with a holiday card (like the gift certificates). Not only does it give an incentive to the purchaser, but it encourages them to give it to someone who may not have considered your studio on their own, but who may become a student after they do.
5. New years resolution program. Create special classes or workshops to help support people with New Years resolutions. After all, most of us can use all the help we can get. Consider things like:
Fitness – “Did you make a resolution to get in shape for the new year? Have fun and reduce stress while you're doing it.”
• Stress reduction – “Make this year one that's relaxing and free from stress.”
• Pain reduction – “Bad back? Make this year free from back pain.”
6. Offer “private classes” for parties and celebrations that holistically-oriented organizations or people might give. Make them very low cost. They are intended to introduce you to new potential students. Then, give away coupons for a free class at the event.
7. Advertise holiday specials on your web site. Many people these days use the internet like they used to use the yellow pages. Make sure yours looks good and has your holiday specials on the main page so people see them even if just looking for the schedule.
8. Donate on-site yoga classes to charity events. At the event, you give away the promotional “postcards” or fliers. Attached to each one should be a coupon for a free yoga class (yes, even if you already offer the first class for free for everyone).
9. Offer one-time free holiday classes for people who are totally new to yoga. Specifically advertise them as being for people who “don't know one end of the mat from the other.” Make it clear that it is for total beginners who are just curious. Have them call to reserve a spot, or just show up. Mention that space is limited, so they reserve a spot to be sure. People are more likely to value something that they think is in high demand or “limited.”
10. If you do retreats, offer an “after the holidays” retreat or “Vitality for the new year” retreat.
11. Offer special holiday workshops. These are one-time yoga classes that give people something help them relax after they've been at the mall fighting to get last minute gifts or at aunt Edith's for Thanksgiving and Uncle Harry is arguing politics with everyone one and it feels like being in a zoo. Give people some tools for going to a place of peace and centeredness amidst the chaos. Advertise workshops with names like:
• “Finding peace and balance amidst holiday chaos”
• “Escape from the holiday rush”
• “Getting centered for the holidays”
12. Donate 10-25% of proceeds from a certain type of sale or purchase (e.g. all class cards) to a charity that yoga-oriented people are likely to support. Local charities are best.
13. Holiday discounts on longer-term packages. Perhaps a yearly unlimited for $899 or $999. Often, these are the kind of people you want in your studio – they make your studio look good and promote you to others. For most studios (depending on pricing and how you pay teachers), this will earn as much or more than if the same person just got short-term class cards.
14. Give out promotional “postcards” to businesses that serve the same clientele. These look like postcards, but aren't – they have a picture of someone in a nice, beginner pose along with some info on what benefits people get from yoga. These should have some type of “holiday special” on them. Be sure to have your phone number, address, web site and email clearly printed. Businesses that sell products to similar types of customers (health food stores, natural medicine centers, etc.) will often let you leave a stack of cards.
15. Have “Special” free holiday yoga classes for people with particular problems. The idea is to introduce yoga to people who will benefit from it, but don't realize it yet. You can target groups like new moms, people with bad backs, etc. Make it clear that they are intended for people with little or no yoga experience.
Use the internet to promote these! Send out a series of emails (more frequent as the holidays approach) that let people know what you have to offer. For more on how to do this easily, see some of the other info on the CenteredBusiness.com web site.
So there you have it - some of my favorite holiday promotions. There are more on the list (not to mention dozens of everyday, non-holiday techniques that I cover in the Home Study Studio Owner's Success Program ), but I think these should give you a good start.
A few general notes: With any of these techniques that involve initial contact with either a new/potential student, or a someone buying a gift, be sure to get their email address for future promotions. Remember, if they are happy with what they got, they will be glad to hear from you in the future.
My very best wishes to you for the holidays. During this busy season, please take time to nurture yourself and your spirit. For all you do for others, do not forget to give to yourself. Go in peace.

Coach Al Lipper

Author's Bio: 

Al Lipper is a master business coach, business teacher, writer and CEO of Centered Business. www.centeredbusiness.com