The basic principles to the law of attraction are simple. If you can follow these and be completely honest about these steps you will be able to manifest what you want. I cover a deeper understanding in my books and audio books that will take you to a level of awareness how the universe works for you. The law of attraction is base in the Law of the universe in which you are the creator of your reality. You have created everything in your reality including your eggshell of limitations.

What is the Law of Attraction/Vibration?

It is the vibration in which you are flowing. Vibrations are energy and everything is made up of energy. Everything is vibrating, if it where to cease vibrating it would cease to exist. This energy flows in positive and negative polarities. The idea is to flow in the positive and thus you will attract more positive.

Concepts to the law and why?

If you have read any books or watched any films on the law of attraction it will cover certain things that are a must do. Some will cover in depth on the why but for the most part it almost seems like a trade secret. I will explain some of the concepts and the ‘why’ behind it.

The Secret to Gratitude

Feeling gratitude for what you have is supposed to help you in the process because you are giving thanks for the things that you have. It will help you get yourself to a place of acceptance of new things to come into your life. Be grateful for what you have and feel positive for and you will attract more positive.

The secret to gratitude is the feelings associated with being grateful. It is not the words you use but the feelings behind the act. You could be grateful for ‘anything’ it is the feeling that you are vibrating in that matters. Focus on anything that brings you happiness and allow yourself a good feeling of total gratitude. The next time you are eating a delicious sandwich, enjoy it and flow in that positive feeling of gratitude.

The Secret to Visualizing

The idea is to picture yourself owning or having what ever it is you want. You should visualize and pretend that it is yours already and this will help you manifest it in your life.

Visualizing and pretending that you have it already and placing yourself in that moment emits a vibration of have. This is the secret to visualizing something, eliminate the want and see it as something that is already yours. The problem is that we will hinder our own thought by thinking of the lack. You do not lack it if you understand that it is yours already.

The Secret to Asking

You are supposed to ask for what you want. You can look at something or a situation and say “I want that.” And in asking you begin the first process of manifesting.

The secret is to be very clear on what it is you want. It is a good idea to determine what it is you do not want in order to make your want clear. There is also no need to speak it out loud or even make it a declaration. That is putting too much focus on the words. The moment you have a feeling of want, that vibration is where you are flowing. That is a vibration of lack, so you will turn it around with the next two steps.

The Secret to Believing

This is where you believe that it is on its way to you. You know that it will be yours as if you ordered it from a catalog. The idea is to believe that it will show up soon.

The secret to this step is in acknowledging the process in which these steps are associated. The feeling behind the first step was lack, feeling behind this step is “it is on its way” this is monumental. Pay attention to the way you feel about it coming to you, it is a matter of knowing that it is right around the corner.

The Secret to Receiving

This is the step in which you allow it to arrive. In which you are ready for it to get there. Your actions are inline with what is on its way to you.

The secret here is to associate it with the other two steps. First step is associated with lack feelings. The next step is associated with “it’s on its way”. The last step is “It’s mine”. It would be like knowing that you are getting a check on Friday, you live every aspect of your life in accordance of your paycheck arriving on Friday. You have no doubt in your mind and you make plans and get ready for it. This is the same feeling that should be associated with receiving what you asked for.

The last step is the one that determines how quickly it manifests in your life. If you were able to get yourself to a place of absolute doubtless faith it would come immediately.

In my book “Breaking Free from the Eggshell Existence – Law of Attraction/Vibration” I cover the importance of your feelings in association with what you want. I have found in my experience that the manifesting process is hindered by nothing other than the persons own beliefs and feelings.

Taking a look at the dominant belief system you have and the reality you have created around you will help you determine how aware you are of your thoughts. There are steps to help you achieve this by breaking down and destroying the fear that controls the negative emotions that “seem to just pop up.”

When breaking down these fears you will see how fragile they really are. You will find that some of them make no sense at all. You will start to live out of your comfort zone, out of your eggshell limits.

Author's Bio: 

Rafael Perez is an author/speaker from Chicago, he has a series of books and audiobooks "Breaking Free From the Eggshell Existence" he spent the last 10 years researching in depth the different levels of awareness one can reach through inner wisdom. Through his research he discovered that the world is simply a series of realities which are all relative to the individual person. He cover certain areas of His research in a book that is a free download online at his website. It has been met with much positive feedback. He has a background in corporate training and management. He has gone from the business world and is now teaching the message of achieving inner success.