I woke up on January 1st, 2009 at 7:15AM. The alarm clock went off and I thought about hitting the snooze. A voice deep within roared with a boom and said, "What are you committed to?"

I had made a choice to start the new year not with a party, but a good nights sleep. I choose to wake ...I woke up on January 1st, 2009 at 7:15AM. The alarm clock went off and I thought about hitting the snooze. A voice deep within roared with a boom and said, "What are you committed to?"

I had made a choice to start the new year not with a party, but a good nights sleep. I choose to wake early, meditate and exercise. I wanted this year to start off with a statement, a tone for the year. When that voice spoke and asked me what I was committed to, I thought it would be powerful to answer that with some specifics.

I sat up in bed with my journal and a pen, and wrote out the question: What am I committed to in 2009?

I started writing and was amazed at what I saw before me on the paper. Here's a very small excerpt:

I am committed this year to serving the highest good of myself and others. I am committed to using the gifts I have to serve the world in the way I feel called to.

I kept writing. I found myself looking at what I was committed to in the past.

I am NO LONGER committed to serving the voice in my head that says unloving things. The voice that tells me I'm not good enough. The voice that I like to call "Miss Perfect". She loves to point out all the things that are wrong with me. I've been trying so hard to serve Miss Perfect my whole life. She is never satisfied. No matter what I do, it's not good enough. I serve Miss Perfect when I BELIEVE HER. That feeds her, you see. It keeps her in charge.

I fired Miss Perfect on January 1st, 2009. She's still there, but she's not running things anymore. I am.

This awareness has been very empowering. I now know that I serve my highest self and others when I eat well, exercise, and meditate. When I make a plan, focus on the work I want to be doing and do it, and prioritize activities and tasks in my life, I am serving the greater good. When I eliminate distraction from my life and am present with what I am doing, I serve myself and others. It is through doing these things that I have energy, feel grounded, and create and implement programs and products that will help people become more of what they wish to be.

I invite you now to come along with me here, to this place of power. This is a really amazing way to begin a new year, although any time of the year is a good time. When you are ready, perhaps you might find the journal exercise I did useful to you. Cozy up with a hot cup of something, your journal and pen, and write the words: What am I committed to this year? You may also find this fun to do with a friend and share with each other what you are committed to. You can also support one other, and offer lots of loving acknowledgement and encouragement.

Accountability and support can help us with the commitments we have made. Being that we are our own worst enemy, surrounding ourselves with positive people who help remind us of our greatness increases our chances of happiness and success. Others love to help us. It gives most people great joy to feel as they have been a part of your success.

If you feel that this is the year to let your light shine, be bold, and take action, then make a powerful choice today to do just that. This can be the best year of your life, it's all up to you.

Author's Bio: 

Anastasia Netri, the business building expert and “Glass ceiling buster” is the founder of ALN Enterprises, a company that helps conscientious women leaders get more yes's, help more people, and make more money.

She has a passion for helping women move into more powerful leadership roles so they can help the world evolve, build community, and experience true human potential.

Anastasia calls herself a spiritual teacher who works through the lens of business building. She specializes in totally inspirational, non-fear based marketing, and teaches hundreds of entrepreneurs how to bring their clients to a full body YES!

Her website is: http://www.anastasia-netri.com.