Are you just starting out in internet marketing? Are you planning to build a membership site after hearing all the benefits of having one? Are you wondering where and how to begin?

If you answered, “yes” to the above questions, then this article will prove to be beneficial.

There are several steps and factors to consider if you want to make your membership site a successful recurring income machine for years to come.

Choose A Topic

This is obviously the most basic step but can be the most vital. Not all topics lend themselves to the membership site model, but many do.

Jot down a list of topics you have an interest in, as it’s always easier to continue creating content if it interests you. Even when you outsource, you will be doing much of the research yourself.

What Will You Deliver?

Will you deliver videos, text content, audios, courses, newsletters, or software? There are so many options as far as what to offer your members, so it is important to have a plan so that you can promote these aspects on your sales page.

Study The Competition

Are there any competitors in your niche running a membership site? If so, sign up and see exactly what they are doing. All you then have to do is do it better! By studying successful competitors, you can pave your own way to success.

Formulate A Content Delivery Plan

Will you deliver new content weekly, monthly or quarterly? Members will want to know when the updates are coming.

Sticking to a certain date each month is a good way to keep members interested and excited for the next installment. Of course, this means you must be reliable and prompt when delivering new quality content.

Membership Model

Will it be a free or paid membership, or will you offer both? Many marketers use a free membership to gain subscribers, and then send them offers to upgrade to a paid membership. You could offer a discount as an extra incentive, or perhaps some bonus products.

Limiting your membership to a certain number of people can also fuel more interest, as people love to be part of an exclusive club.

Technical Set Up

There are a few options when it comes to software for creating a members area. You can use a script like Amember, or you can set up a Wordpress blog and utilize a membership script plugin.

You might also choose to simply password protect the members directory. Hiring a programmer can make this stage easier.


This is a big step and must start once your site is ready for the public. Write down benefits and points of interest about your membership and track down some joint venture partners to help you promote the site.

You may also engage in other promotional methods such as pay-per-click, article marketing, press releases, social marketing, ezine marketing, video promotions, and even offline methods such as advertising in magazines and newspapers.

Keep Your Members

The best way to keep your members is to continually provide new content and have regular communication. A member's forum is a good way to encourage interactivity and a community feeling.

Setting up a new membership is not difficult, but it takes work and dedication. You can outsource many of the above stages to various people.

The technical side of things, in particular, should be rock-solid to avoid hacking and unauthorized access. Your content delivery needs to be reliable and of high quality every time you send new materials for members, so that they feel they are getting their money's worth.

Running a membership site is highly satisfying and potentially very profitable. As a newbie, you are in a great position to set up a unique membership site that will earn recurring income for many years to come.

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Want to know proven ways to dramatically increase membership sales? Want to take membership marketing to a whole new level of overflowing profits? Build high-earning membership sites like a pro by going to