Are you a struggling network marketer? You're not alone in fact, at least 95% of network marketers are struggling to even earn their first dollar.

Truth be known, most are losing money and will continue to lose money until they recognize the tactics they're using are simply outdated and no longer work. To be frank, most network marketers have been lied to.

The Truth About Network Marketing

In her report "The 7 Great Lies Of Network Marketing" Ann Sieg really hit home the reasons why many network marketers are failing miserably in their businesses. Basically, building a successful MLM business using the same outdated methods used many years ago simply don't work anymore.

Want proof? Well, take a look at the failure rate within the industry. At least 90% of network marketers will give up within the first three months of starting their business. It's a startling statistic and it's never one which is highlighted during most MLM presentations.

People join network marketing everyday yet it hurts me to say this but they are almost doomed to failure from the start.


It's the old story of do the same thing over and over again and you'll get the same results. If you are thinking of getting into the network marketing business then you better have a plan to do things a little differently than what you're about to be told by your upline.

- Hassling friends and relatives
- Attending meeting after meeting and then being told to maintain a positive attitude - Maintain your belief in the system
- You'll be selling the best product on the planet
- They'll build the business for you
- Go out and buy hundreds of untargeted leads and phone them with your offer

Can You Earn Money From Network Marketing?

These are just some of the old tactics being taught to network marketers. Yes, they were once effective but the current statistics don't lie.

Can you make a good income today as a network marketer. You sure can but unless you move out of the dark side and implement a workable proven system you're destined to keep "spinning your wheels."

Author's Bio: 

Want to put your network marketing lead generation on steroids? Read this free report The 7 Great Lies Of Network Marketing . Then join the top 5% network marketers making money by learning how to dramatically improve your sponsor rate!