When you have a network marketing prospect what's the first thought that comes into your mind?

For many of us first starting out in this business it would have been something like this... "you've just got to take a look at this opportunity...the company's fantastic, the products will cure any illness on the planet and the money, boy the money, it's unreal!"

Just step back a minute if you are reading this and imagine what would have happened 99.9% of the time if you had of charged at your network marketing prospect in this fashion. He/she would have put on their running shoes and taken off in the opposite direction as fast as their legs could take them.

The sad scenario is that many of us used this approach and even worse, it's still being used.

So what's the secret? There is no secret but I will tell you this; your aim if you want to at least get the prospect to take a look at your opportunity is to become an MLM mentor on a mission.

Your aim is to sell yourself, not the company or the products because if a prospect doesn't like you then there is no way they are going to join you in business. Not even if it was 1980 and you had some cheap shares in a software company!

Here's a shortlist of techniques you should observe before even thinking of putting the hard sell on your potential business partner.

1. You have to be what the prospect is looking for. You will be a direct reflection of the company you represent.

2. Forget the script. Yes, throw it away. Why? Because people are not stupid and they know the difference between a genuine, from the heart spiel as opposed to a written presentation read word for word.

3. You need to be coaching from the start. Yes, from the moment the introductions are over. The term over-deliver should be ingrained in your mind. Start training your prospect with helpful tips and information. Point them in the right direction. Simply be as helpful as you can.

4. By doing the above your network marketing prospect will begin to be drawn into your business rather than rope and tied into it. You earn respect, not demand it and once your prospect likes dealing with you you chances of recruiting them will multiply.

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Want to put network marketing lead generation back in your favor? Learn the 7 great lies of network marketing. Join the top 5% of network marketers making money by dramatically improving your sponsoring rate!