What network marketing, my cousin Vinny, my uncle Bob, and my friend Harry have in common...

Here is how it got started. I was invited to a “meeting.” At this meeting I was introduced to a great product. Before the evening was over, I was sold. And I’m still sold; I love it. But I was introduced to something else at this meeting; I was introduced to wealth. It was simple, all I had to do was enlist three people who would get on board and make a business out of this thing and I would be wealthy. It was there in black and white—the payment plan. And sure enough, there was even a chart on how it works, it was as clear as one could hope. With three “power legs” I was home free.

So in addition to this great product, I became a “distributor.” Why? Two reasons:
1) I needed to make a change in my career. You see new technologies had entered by industry and I was soon to be downsized (out of work).
2) And 2, I knew that my cousin Vinny, my uncle Bob and my friend Harry were perfect for this business. They were going to be my ticket to wealth. It was a done deal!

So, I brought them to the meeting next week and introduced them to this great product. And as expected, they were as excited as I was. Bingo, I had my three power legs. I was on the way!

But then something unexpected happened. Vinny, Bob and Harry didn’t do anything. Now the best way to get answers to questions is to ask the right person the questions. So, one after the other, I went to see these guys. I made a discovery. Cousin Vinny loved his job and for some reason, had no interest in my new plan for his life. Uncle Bob had to ask his wife Maggie. Well, that was the end of that. And my friend Harry was, well, Harry. Harry never did have much drive in life. I was sunk. I still needed to find a new career, there was no option there; I had to make this thing work! I still thought this MLM thing was a great idea. But how to find the leaders and builders—I was coming up dry.

Then one day my uncle Bob (on the other side of the family) ask me an interesting question. “Did you really think that three people who were not looking for a new career would actually do so just because you asked them too?” Apparently “yes” was the wrong answer to that question.

But then he asked me another question, the second even more interesting than the first. “Why don’t you go to people who are looking for new careers and ask them to partner with you on this project?” Yea, why don’t I? And that brought me to the Internet.

You see, on the Internet there are tens of thousands of people looking for new careers, new businesses and new ideas on how to make money. When you go to the Internet looking for people in pursuit of wealth—you find them!

Maybe you have experienced similar problems in building your MLM business. If you have, you are like the great mass of other Network Marketers who are simply failing at achieving their dreams. There is a better way. Partner up with someone else who can mentor you to success. Just one person with a step by step understanding on how to build a business on the Internet will get you to the end of your rainbow.

Author's Bio: 

Ralph Bass is an owner, with his wife, of Digital Transcription Inc. They are also part owners with their son in Kessick.com, a company that designs, sells and installs wine cellars. They are both deeply interested in MLM and in the power of the Internet to build a Network Marketing business. He and his wife have been married for 46 years; they have 5 children and 17 grandchildren. Contact Info: ralph.bass@businessmasterplan.com, or online at how-to-do-network-marketing.com.