Would you like to make your mark on the world? That's the theme of my new website (http://www.michaeldpollock.com). It's also the focus of my coaching practice from this point on.

I could give many reasons why you'd maybe want to make your mark on the world, but chances are you don't need a reason if you're reading this editorial.

So without further babbling, here are my top 5 strategies for you to actually make your mark in the world.

1. Create your foundation - the core of you.
Do you know who you really are at your core? It's been said there are many different "versions" of you. There's:

a. Who you're supposed to be.
b. Who you're told to be.
c. Who you think you are.
d. Who you might become.
e. Who you really are.

So, who are you? When you think about it briefly, how do you answer this question?

Not sure? Maybe you could pick up a book by Mel Ash called "Shaving the Inside of Your Skull." The title sounds a little radical, I know. But hey, knowing and being who you really are may seem somewhat radical too. Go for it.

Another way to find out who you really are is to work with a Life Purpose Coach. For more info on that, visit my website or Life On Purpose Institute's website at www.lifeonpurpose.com.

2. Clarify your position and unique message.
Okay. If you're going to make your mark on the world, you've got to know what that mark is right? You've got to add value somehow.

What will you be known for? What's your message? What value do want to add to the lives of others, and how will you add that value? Will you use your artistic or musical talent, your skills as a manager or leader, your public speaking ability or your ability to write. Whatever talents and skills you have, it's bound to have value to someone.

It might further help to clarify specifically who your message is focused upon. Will it be just men or just women, a certain age group or a certain professional group. You might consider this your niche or target audience. Don't worry though, there's no reason you can't have more than one niche.

3. Package yourself for maximum visibility.
Do you have a business card, brochure or website? This is what I mean by packaging.

It's quite a challenge to physically go out into the world and get the real you in front of your target audience. So, your packaging must attractively and authentically represent who you really are. It also has to clearly communicate your unique message.

One biggie here. Get your own website. Period.

4. Communicate you and your message to the world.
Well, at least communicate it to your target audience. You know who you are. You know what your message is, and you're packaged attractively and authentically. It's time to get out there and do it.

How can you do that? There are many options here.
* You could have your own website.
* You could network with groups in your target audience.
* If you like to write (and even if you don't), you could write short articles for internet ezines or magazines.
* You could start your own print newsletter.
* Participate in "open mic" night at the local bookstore.
* Join Toastmasters.
* Offer to do short talks on your area of expertise.
* Conduct your own half day seminars in your area.

In today's high tech world, there are plenty of ways to communicate you and your message. Just pick one or two you like and have fun with it.

5. Clear away the clutter from your life.
Anybody got any clutter you'd like to get rid of?

Clutter can take many forms, such as:
* Toxic or draining relationships.
* Tasks that are no longer joyful.
* Actual physical clutter in your living space.
* Any un-handled situations that keep popping back up.

Basically, anything that de-energizes you is fair game to be minimized or eliminated completely. Thomas Leonard calls this clutter "tolerations." They're things you've learned to tolerate in your life.

The problem with clutter and tolerations is they tend to zap energy from more important areas of your life, like making your mark on the world (in this case). They gotta go.

There you have it. If you're ready to make your mark on the world, incorporating these top 5 strategies into your life should make for a good start. I hope I'll be reading about you in the very near future!

Author's Bio: 

Michael D. Pollock is a Personal Coach. He works with small
business owners to help them build their business without selling themselves or "selling out" on themselves. Visit his website at http://www.michaeldpollock.com. Subscribe to his popular ezine "It's Your Life!" by sending a blank email to ItsYourLife-Subscribe@topica.com.
It's your life! Make it great.