My husband, Gary, and I spoke at several Conferences in London, England, organized by bestselling author of The Field: the Quest for the Secret Force of the Universe by Lynne McTaggart. We spoke about the power of prayer and directed intention to over 2,000 people, alongside frontier scientists including Gary Schwartz, Larry Dossey, M.D., Fritz Albert-Popp, Roger Nelson, Rupert Sheldrake, Steven Shwartz, Dr. Mario Varvoglis, and others.

One thing we learned through the theories of “Zero Point Field” (known as “The Field”) was that these leading scientists were now proving what mystics have been saying for decades: that we all have control over our world, a capacity to heal ourselves and our loved ones and, indeed the world. Also, that the existence of The Field provides a plausible explanation for many unexplained phenomena, such as past lives or life after death, for many of the world-famous speakers presented evidence that consciousness is not encased in the brain and never dies.

Potentially, the power of prayer or human intention can affect every technology on the planet. This is what Gary and I have been teaching for years through our lectures and workshops and through our latest book Power Prayer. These groundbreaking conferences, where scientists and mystics shared a common forum, were truly a foundation stone for New Age consciousness. Here we worked with scientists to teach man’s formidable powers for global good through understanding The Field, and mixing it with our caring and our love for the planet, so that it forms an immense power for transformation.

Love is the secret elixir of life. This is not a new thought. This truth is engraved on the Sphinx, it is in the caves of the Anchorites near Mount Sinai, and on the great rock near Deir, Petraea, we are told: “The Torch of life is fed by the oil of Love.”

Just as love is the oil, intentional prayer is the tool that can draw upon the field – the universal supply of energy - and join this with the elixir of love, so that it becomes an alchemical force, to inspire ourselves and others. We can draw upon this vast universal field, mix it with the magical elixir, and use the results to transform our personal and global world.

We heard from one scientist at the Field Conference that there was enough energy in the room to boil all the oceans of the world. It is difficult to envision this type of immense transformative power. While we don’t want to boil all the oceans, we have found that, when we learn to “plug in” to this universal supply, other so-called miracles can occur. As Marianne Williamson said in her brilliant Foreword to Power Prayer 1 : “While we are used to looking to all manner of external powers to "fix" us - from medicine to technology to money, etc. - there is today a resurgence of inner knowing that the powers of the spirit surpass the powers of the world.”

Power Prayer includes exercises, techniques, prayers and meditations designed to plug us in quickly to this vast energy field. Then we can achieve miracles of healing of ourselves and others, as well as psychic, psychological, and spiritual breakthroughs. These can take the form of inspiration, intuition, closer contact with the other realms, the nature spirits and devic kingdom, changes of weather patterns and even helping in global disasters.

The following is a suggested prayer you may wish to use to begin this prayerful journey. For greatest effect, say the prayer out loud with all your heartfelt feeling, keep your hands raised up, palms facing outwards, and visualize energy flowing through you as a brilliant, white stream of light. This is energy from the field, conditioned by your love and by the intention of your prayer. By raising your hands in this way, you are allowing spiritual energy to flow freely through your heart center (also known as chakra) situated in your aura just in front of the breastbone, and through the psychic centers in the palms of each hand.

Oh mighty God
I offer my heartfelt prayer in thankfulness to you,
And ask that I may be a channel for your peace and love
So that this may flow through me now to all life.

To humanity, in all its diversity of race and creed
People, plants, animals and even the rocks beneath our feet
So that we may know we are One planetary family
Dwelling within Thy Great Heart.

On wondrous Parabrahma
May your divine and infinite power flow now –
At this very moment – in an everlasting stream of light
To bring peace and freedom to our world.

Oh, Eternal Creator, Provider and Sustainer of All Life.
Great Peace, Great Peace, Great Peace
May Thy will be done.

Author's Bio: 

Chrissie Blaze is an international astrologer, teacher and author of several books, including Power Prayer: A Program for Unlocking Your Spiritual Strength (co-author, Gary Blaze; Foreword, Marianne Williamson), Adams Media, 2003. For information visit