An excerpt from Health Warrior...Secrets to Conquering the Inner Game of Health (

You will always be as old as your mind leads you to believe.

We would like to challenge you to re-think the way that you age. If you remember back to the chapter on beliefs, we spoke of the limiting beliefs of society. Aging is also a society imposed limiting belief.

Let us take the tethered elephant for example. As a captive elephant is trained when it is young, it is first tethered to a strong, unbreakable chain to prevent it from wandering off. The elephant is contained by this chain to a relatively small area.

As such captive elephant’s age, it has been proven that weaker and weaker chains can be attached to their leg, even as weak as a rope. Because of the limitations that have been instilled on these great animals they are living in a fooled reality.

Now, it’s not actually the rope that is holding the elephant in place, is it? It is the belief that has been consistently ingrained in its mind that it is restricted by whatever is around his leg. The elephant could easily tear through the rope, or as an adult through the “unbreakable” chain with its great strength, although the limiting belief is holding it back.

Aging is the same way…

What are some of the limiting beliefs that are perpetuated around aging?

• As we age our bones will become more brittle
• We must retire at the age of 65
• We will have less energy as we age
• We will experience an increased risk of heart disease
• We will get more wrinkles on our skin
• Our memory will worsen
• We need national insurance coverage
Aging is related to the number of years that we will live

Can you think of any other limiting beliefs?

In the health history that we hand out to our clients in our clinical nutrition practice, we ask them “how old are they”, and “how old do they feel.” This is very important to note because I am sure you know a “young 70 year old,” or and “old 40 year old.”

We want you to be looking forward to the future, not living in fear of residing in the past-ure. What age do you want to be, regardless of how old you are in years? We would like you to unlock your chain around aging by reprogramming your beliefs.

You will find the following declaration in the BIG Declaration Section and we suggest that you practice it regularly.

“I am at my ideal age of ______.”

Author's Bio: 

Robert Kress is a registered pharmacist, certified clinical nutritionist and Quantum Reflex Analysis practitioner. Amy Kress is a life time student and researcher of the mindbody and Quantum Reflex Analysis practitioner as well. Robert and wife Amy own a very integrative clinical nutrition and pharmacy practice.

Robert and Amy have completed their first book based on the empowerment of health ( and write regular entries at