Spiritual awareness is an attribute we all have. It is uncovering that quality and letting it shine that takes some effort. In my search for truth, I found a perfect universe and a perfect spirit.

My discovery came with the uncovering of all the junk I had layered on top of my spirit. Once I realized that I wasn’t searching for anything that I didn’t already have, I began to enjoy the process, always reminding myself it is the journey where the growth takes place not the destination.

Uncovering the Layers

I have found that once I get to the destination yet again there are more layers to uncover and higher places to explore. The journey continues. If I were trying to arrive I would surely be disappointed. In my search for spiritual awareness I have found a lot of different paths to choose from.

I have worked with a lot of people who have tried so many different paths to spiritual awareness they were literally confused and frustrated.

What I noticed starts to happen at that point, they want to give up the search. That feeling can lead to major disappointment, which brings people back to the same old feelings they are familiar with in their lives. The drawback with that is the familiar does not mean it is working for us. It simply means that is all we know and that feels safe.

I had to be open to many different paths before I could find one that felt right for me; in saying that I have to add, I did and still do stay open to other possibilities.

I have found that an open mind leads to spiritual awareness.

When I can take in and be open to what others are sharing or writing about without judgment I gain the greatest benefit.

Once I have found some ideas that resonate with me I sample these practices and make them my own. I experience what it is like to meditate on a concept that is new to me and then to live it. For example, let’s take non judgment. Have you ever tried to spend one full day not judging anyone or anything, especially yourself? This is more of a challenge then you may realize.


When I first started this practice, I noticed how easily my mind/ego wanted to tell me how I wasn’t doing something right. Right or wrong is a judgment. Having no judgment means you are aware but not determining if something is good or bad right or wrong. It just is. I found in practicing this on a daily basis brought me to a deeper awareness of how my mind closes off ideas based on judgment.

When that starts to happen I am now closed, I am not teachable. In practicing non judgment my acceptance for myself and others grew to a proportion that I had never experienced before.

When ever I started to judge myself or someone else I would say to myself, “No Judgment” reminding myself to stay open and loving.

After a few days I felt such a powerful shift in my perception. I was open and allowing of everything. This didn’t mean that I participated in everything I witnessed I just didn’t judge it. I allowed it to be the way it was.

Who am I to stop or change someone else’s path, no matter where that path is leading them it is there for a purpose. That purpose is either happiness or it leads us to what we need to look at in order to be happy.

No matter where you are in your spiritual journey stopping to take on a new idea or concept that will open you up to a brighter perspective is the way I found enlightenment.

I discovered there is no get quick spirituality. It doesn’t come from reading a book, listening to a speaker or watching a movie. The book, speaker or movie is the vehicle that carries the message but we have to get into action and on a daily basis start to practice these different concepts.


I invite you to try the experiment with non-judgment today. Really notice how many times you want to judge another persons decisions or lifestyle. Notice how you judge your self if you don’t respond or do something the way your inner critic thinks your should.

Once you are aware then put into action the non-judgment. Say to yourself, NO JUDEMENT, and with that let it be. Practice this, don’t worry about doing it perfectly just practice. If you do this and other concepts like this on a daily basis you will experience your spiritual awareness heighten…it is truly amazing what I have gained from implementing this and other actions into my life.

E-mail me at dawn@qualified-lifecoach.com and let me know your experiences with the non-judgment exercise. I will put these experiences on a new page to share with others.

Creating a balanced life with spiritual awareness where you easily move into you ideal body, mind and spirit can happen for you now. For more information go to my website www.Qualified-LifeCoach.com

Author's Bio: 

Dawn Abraham Certified Life/ Business Coach, I specialize in working with professionals and entrepreneurs to create balanced lives while earning more money.

Partnering with me is a process where we find out what’s blocking you from getting what you want. I guide you into awareness and then into action. The magic starts right away. Individual Coaching, Group Coaching and tele-classes are offered. Go to my web site for more information. Qualified-Life Coach.com