It is said that the fear of public speaking outweighs the fear of death. Seems some people would rather be the one in the box than the one giving the eulogy. I happen to believe just the opposite and I hope you do too because public speaking can be one of your most enjoyable and profitable ways to market your home-based business.

Everyone is an expert in something. What is your expertise? If you own a home-based business then I hope you’re either an expert or on your way to becoming an expert at your company, products and services, and opportunity. Finding your expertise helps you fill a specialized niche and greatly reduce competition.

The road to expertise is paved with credibility. Public speaking is a great way to build credibility. At worst, it costs you nothing. At best, your speaking fees can provide some nice pocket lining.

A solid speech that is both well crafted and well delivered will work miracles. A weak speech that is poorly crafted and/or delivered won’t earn you the respect you seek. How does one create a great speech? Easy! Begin with your conclusion. It should be powerful, succinct, and to the point. It should leave your audience thinking “A-ha!” and feeling motivated to take action. Next, what three points best support your desired conclusion and what order should you present them in? Finally, your introduction is the hook that catches people’s attention and makes them sit up and pay attention.

New to speaking? It’s perfectly OK to use notes. Many speakers at all levels use notes to keep them on track. Not sure what to do with your hands or how to work the stage? Request a lectern or podium. Do you find yourself using words like “and”, “um”, “so”, or others as filler while you search for words? Here’s a quick hint: When you feel your words outpacing your thoughts, pause for a few seconds, then continue. This pause helps your last point sink into the audience as you gather your thoughts. It also prevents you from inserting those extra words that brand you an amateur.

Remember that your goal is to build relationships by giving value, not to wheedle money. Make your speech about your audience, never about you. For example, I am rarely if ever the main focus of my articles or talks, except when I describe certain personal experiences or opinions that relate to the topic at hand.

Where to give your talks? The list is virtually endless. Here are a few ideas tailored to novice speakers: Chambers of Commerce, Elks, Lions, Rotary, Kiwanis, your business, professional organizations, charity events, church events, schools, community centers, convention rooms./centers, public-access TV, local radio, open mike nights- the list is virtually endless. Which audiences would be most receptive to your talk, and where do they congregate? Nanocasting (the opposite of broadcasting) works very well here by preventing you from wasting time on audiences who just aren’t interested in your particular topic.

OK, so I’ve given you a few extremely simple pointers. You’re raring to go but your fears are holding you back. What can you do? Whatever works. I believe that my nervousness rises in direct proportion to the importance I place on my words. Nervousness is pent-up energy that you can channel anywhere, such as toward giving a strong, heartfelt presentation. I’ve given my fair share and am still nervous every time.

Practice, practice, practice. Find a test audience and keep working your message as you develop your unique personal style. Better still, find a test audience whose sole goal is to help you become a great speaker by drawing out and nurturing the skills you already have deep within you.

Where can you find such an organization?

You can find it right in your home town.

I cannot recommend Toastmasters strongly enough. It’s like riding a bicycle where you can fall off as many times as it takes to master the art with nary a scraped knee. Go to , find a club in your area, and stop in for a visit. You’ll meet some great people, hear some awesome speeches, and get the chance to add your voice to the human chorus.

Overcoming your fear of public speaking will revolutionize your marketing and opportunity presentations, even if you never give a speech in the traditional sense. I’ve noticed that my day-to-day conversations have improved dramatically since joining Toastmasters and I’m certain the same can happen for you. Why is this such a good idea for your home-based business? Confident speakers radiate positive energy that uplifts everyone around them. You’ll find yourself interacting more effectively with your customers, enrollees, upline, downline, and others. You’ll network with many people, some of whom will do business with you or even enroll in your home-based business opportunity. You’ll develop powerful speeches that will have audience members scrambling for their wallets.

In short, becoming a competent speaker will boost your profits, the dear old bottom line. And what’s the marketing game is all about!

Author's Bio: 

Anthony Hernandez is a Certified Guerrilla Marketing Business Association Coach and author of Guerrilla Marketing Success Secrets with over 20 years of successful self-employment experience. He is proud to be a co-founding member of the MOXXOR WORKS Team. Visit to learn more about the MOXXOR WORKS Team and our home-based opportunity.