Would you like to feel empowered to reduce stress or make your life more manageable – even enjoyable or peaceful? We can shift our perspective of our life as well as harness some extra energy to sustain and support us on all levels.

If we look at our typical day, we rush out of bed in the morning and our mind goes on automatic pilot, telling us what to wear, where we need to go, and runs through the to do list before we have reached our first destination – the bathroom. For those of us who have not yet reached enlightenment, our mind runs us and sometimes consumes us with worry, fear, doubt or guilt, just to name a few.

By mid-day we are exhausted from the feelings of being overwhelmed by all the places that our mind has already taken us for the day – OMG the stock market is falling again, I will never be able to retire; OMG, gas prices are going up, I better not go on vacation; OMG, when will this zit go away, maybe it is an abscess or cancer. We are at work and our mind is everywhere else but work, tuning us into all types of scenarios about our family, friends, stock market, etc. that most likely will never happen. Although these issues may be important to us, if we respond with anxiety we block ourselves from receiving the solutions.

I am very grateful to Wayne Dyer for his first book entitled Your Erroneous Zones. In this book he gives all of us permission to let go of guilt and worry – two useless emotions. He noted that guilt serves no purpose at all and makes us feel bad about ourselves and allows others to control us. Worry is energy wasted on something that most likely will never happen. After reading his wise words, I was able to free myself from the chains of these useless emotions.

Whatever our mind plays host or hostess to impacts our ability to access wisdom, Spirit, Divine guidance, and grace, our I AM Presence. If our mind is full of stuff – OMG! then we tune out Spirits voice of reason, guidance, and grace. We make the choice not to experience Spirit’s love and wisdom, which is what being here is really all about.

If you care about living from this place of grace, you might ask how we can turn off this noisy, demanding mind that blocks the voice and experience of God’s love and guidance. Awareness is the answer. Develop an inner awareness by paying attention to the mind’s rumblings. Not being emotionally controlled by the mind, but just sitting in awareness of the dialog that is occurring. Once you realize that most of the dialog that is going on is not truth, you can begin to tune into and move into the higher realms of truth – aligning and attuning to what truly serves you and your higher purpose.

Next, you make the decision to continue to tune out the mind chatter and to tune into these deeper connections. I liken this tuning into the higher channels as if you are changing your television station to access the premium channels. You released the mind and awaken your awareness (which is aligned in this higher space and has replaced the mind’s function). Your awareness now guides you into accessing the premium channels – God, I AM Presence, Spirit, the Ascended Masters. Your awareness quiets the mind’s agendas that distract you from the truth with all the OMGs! and leads you into a dialog and experience with Spirit. Activating awareness brings a deep sense of peace with whatever is occurring and provides the inner and outer parts of you resources to address all that life offers. By tuning into the premium channels of Spirit, our balanced emotions feed us energy and support longevity.

So when you wake up tomorrow, you can tune right into station GOD instead of OMG and listen to what God has to say about your mission for the day. You can tune into the Ascended Masters, your angels, and your own I AM presence and get out of bed experiencing grace and expecting more grace and Divine guidance throughout the day. I think this is what we call living in Bliss, Zen, Enlightenment, Ascension, Awake or just higher awareness. Everyone has this capacity to change the channel from station OMG to GOD awareness and experience a better life that supports our I AM purpose.

OMG in text messaging language is Oh My God!

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Author's Bio: 

Dawn Fleming is an intuitive holistic health practitioner, teacher, and author. She is the author of Perspectives on Ascension, Creating a Successful Holistic Health Practice, Navigating the CEU Process, Passing on Wisdom: Keys to Teaching Holistic Health and Spiritual Workshops.Sign up to receive her free newsletter at www.energytransformations.org and receive a copy of her ebook Shared Wisdom. She can be reached at reikidawn@yahoo.com. Her books and CDs can be found at www.energytransformations.org/products.html