Network marketing has taken a hit in reputation over the years. With all the promises made to desperate downlines by even more desperate recruiters, it's difficult to tell what's real from what's hype. That has always been true to a certain extent, but it seems the online world has amplified that call.

It's not just with network marketing, of course, but for some reason this business model has taken more than it's fair share of criticism. There are more than enough scams and lies to go around in many of the internet business models. Perhaps it's the power of the "network" that gets people overly worked up, or it could be lure of the promise of "small work - big pay".

Whatever the reason, even when you're talking to professional internet marketers and you mention network marketing (or MLM) their faces squeeze up like they've bitten into a bitter lemon. This is a reaction that's really hard to understand. After all, many internet millionaires made their fortunes by selling affiliate products - which is basically selling other people's stuff and making a commission.

In network marketing, we do the same thing - we sell other people's stuff (from our MLM company) and make a commission. One important difference is that we get to make additional commissions through the people we train to have a similar business.

So it's similar to affiliate marketing, but with the addition of "leverage"! The leverage you have as a network marketer is the focus of time, effort and financial resources that helps everyone in your group reach a common goal. This could take the form of something like a lead generation co-op.

It's important to make the connection between affiliate marketing and network marketing online, because we can use the same kinds of tools and techniques that have worked so well in affiliate marketing.

In the typical "OnGround" model of network marketing you are trained to either introduce your product or your opportunity to as many people as you can get to listen to you. This usually involves trying to do presentations over the phone, having in-home meeting, or dragging someone to a hotel meeting.

As the person trying to recruit or sell, you have the pressure to get a result (either they join your business or buy the product). The person on the other side of this equation also feels the pressure of being recruited or sold to. So the relationship starts out strained, even if things improve down the road.

On the other hand, developing your business online using affiliate marketing techniques learned through a good MLM training program you remove that pressure from both sides of the equation. You do this by offering people a product they can use whether or not they even know what your business is. You promote a product that helps to solve a problem your target audience has, and you are able to make a commission from that.

From that sale (and possibly even before that) you can ask for contact information so that you can continue to deliver solution for the problem you can help them solve. This begins a process of building a relationship and this is how new people get to know you.

If how you present yourself matches what your customer/prospect is looking for, then you have a real partner in business. This will be a person that you did not have to convince, deceive, or coerce into working with you. This is how a strong network marketing business really should be built.

And this is power of network marketing online, when its done properly. By studying the tools and techniques of internet marketing, and specifically affiliate marketing, you can attract true partners to your business, and even get paid for the search.

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Get more advice and pointers for MLM training online at blog. Roger Hutchison maintains this as an interactive site where you can ask your questions and get updates as soon as they're posted. Make marketing fun!