A unique type of honey known as Manuka Honey is now being used as a natural healing ingredient in skin care products as an alternative to less desirable synthetic ingredients.

If you haven't heard of Manuka Honey until now, you will begin to hear more about it in the future. As reports of its effectiveness swarm the globe, manufacturers are jumping on the band wagon by utilizing this natural resource in their skin care products. Manuka Honey has proven to be extremely effective in treating skin conditions such as acne, burns, eczema, fungal infections, bacterial infections, etc. Manuka Honey hydrates the skin while dehydrating bacterial cells, efficiently healing infection. It also has an uncanny ability to heal damaged skin and regenerate new skin growth.

What is Manuka Honey? In the beautiful, pollution-free fields of New Zealand, the Manuka bush grows wild across the countryside. This indigenous bush spawns beautiful pink and white flowers that contain an extraordinary nectar used by honeybees to produce honey. The bees take this nectar back to their hives where they add enzymes to it and produce this special type of honey that has become quite a commodity as of late. Its not the bees that are so special, rather than the nectar from the Manuka bush that possess the notable healing properties.

Manuka Honey's biggest claim to fame is its ability to eradicate the MRSA bacterium that is responsible for causing life-threatening Staph infections. Researchers have reason to believe that Manuka Honey has up to 30 times more antibacterial activity than other types of honey. Manuka Honey's anti-inflammatory properties is useful for individuals who have sensitive skin. By osmosis, Manuka Honey draws impurities out of the pores of the skin as well as moisture from unwanted microorganisms, forcing them to shrivel up and die.

There is scientific evidence suggesting that Manuka Honey is effective in treating unsightly spots called Molluscum Contagiosum. Manuka Honey is also a hundred times more effective as an anti-inflammatory agent than hydrocortisone for the treatment of eczema and other forms of dermatitis. Recent studies have also shown that Manuka Honey is effective for the treatment of cold sores (herpes simplex) and can be applied to soothe sun burnt skin. The medicinal applications are endless when using Manuka Honey topically on the skin.

In addition to its medical use, it's also important to know that Manuka Honey contains a high content of antioxidants that rejuvenate, nourish and repair the skin for a younger, smoother look. It helps the skin in cellular renewal and in the growth of collagen and skin elasticity. When used on the skin, Manuka Honey has the ability to reduce sensitivity, inflammation and itching associated with some skin disorders.

"Unlike some synthetic ingredients, Manuka Honey is effective in treating certain skin conditions without the negative side effects," says Frank Buonanotte, CEO of Honeymark International which is a manufacturer of Manuka Honey skin care products. "Instead of harsh chemicals that have a tendency to dry the skin, Manuka Honey uses its natural antibacterial properties to kill unwanted bacteria and clear the skin of impurities."

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To avoid the stickiness associated with applying honey directly to the skin, Honeymark has developed skin care products that contain Manuka Honey for a much more desirable and user-friendly application. For more information or to purchase Manuka Honey products, call 1-866-427-7329 or visit www.HoneymarkProducts.com.