Towards the end of last year, I had to just stop everything I was doing. Why? Because all my great marketing efforts were not paying off. All my positive thinking was not creating a change in my bank book. All my visualizations, working with limiting beliefs, and using strong emotion to imagine my financial abundance as already here were bringing anything but more clients and revenue. Using the Law of Attraction’s principles to bring about financial prosperity was wearing me out.

Do you sense a theme here? Financial abundance and prosperity. Although I had other things on my mind, I certainly was using a lot of intent, energy and focus to create a greater flow of cash. And it didn’t seem to be working.

As someone who is very upbeat and optimistic, it didn’t get me down that things weren’t improving much over the year. I knew that patience was required and that the Universe has a rhythm and timing for everything. However, most of my projects last year fell apart, and I was earning less and less. As entrepreneurs, we are taught to be persistent and not give up. As humans, we are also taught that “when one door or window closes, another opens up.” I subscribe to both of these, so I continued despite the appearances before me that things weren’t working in a positive direction.

Sometimes the Best Thing to Do is to Just Stop!

I got a very clear message one day to just stop and be still. To listen. So I did, and I realized fairly quickly that although I had been including my spiritual self in my daily doings, I wasn’t taking time to just BE with God. And, another thing I learned is that by putting so much energy and time into creating financial prosperity, I was forgetting the fact that I am not in charge of this whole experience. I am a co-creator.

You’ve got to understand that this is a little more subtle than I make it sound. Because if you know me, or if you were to spend a day with me last year, you would see me expressing gratitude to God for all that I have, taking time to appreciate the beauty of nature, being compassionate and kind to others and myself, and doing many things most would call “spiritual.”

This is not the same thing, though, as consciously connecting with God daily, and with an attitude of “whoo-hoo, I get to co-create this beautiful day with God again, how blessed I am!” No, it was more that I was thinking about how I was going to go about accomplishing the various tasks on my list, and creating my day and my future. It was all about being “in charge” and on task. It was about “ego” working with the Law of Attraction, and focussing mostly on money.

Now, putting more focus on spirit is not a new concept. Depending on your spiritual leanings, this may sound like great common sense, or nonsense. I am not out to convince anyone about God and how things work in this amazing Universe. I simply want to share something personal that I think will work for some of you too.

So, that day when I stopped, I decided that because what I was doing was not working well in the financial realm, that I would take some time to listen to what God was wanting me to hear and to do.

Putting Spirit First and Taking Time to Stop and Listen is Really Working!

My goodness, how things have been changing since I did this! I began that day to put God first. To some of you, you might be laughing and saying, “well, of course!” What this looks like for me is that I go to spend time in a room away from phones and computers with God and the angels (and usually my dogs come along for the ride too), before I go to work. I used to turn on my computer first thing in the morning. By not doing so now, I signal to my Higher Self and to God that I have changed my priorities.

Now this alone has felt wonderful. Because by taking time to align with God and with my higher purpose, I am more likely to begin my day balanced and consciously in a co-creative state, rather than in an ego-based “I can do this” state. Everyone’s time with God or with Spirit may look a little different.

Each day I use some part of that time to just sit quietly and LISTEN. I may also say prayers, read an inspirational passage on occasion, perhaps sing a song or two, or use my angel cards. Usually I don’t hear any direct messages at this time, they usually come later during the day, from ideas and inspirations that pop into my head, things that others say to me, or from the myriad of ways that we can be open to hearing messages from God. I know I am certainly more open to this “voice” because of my morning alignment time.

Get Out of Your Ego Voice and into Your Co-Creator Voice

I have understood during this time of reflection and being more in tune with my spiritual self that I wasn’t off base in wanting to have financial abundance in my life. There is nothing wrong with that in the context of a fulfilling and happy life. I do believe, though, that with my intent now on being as happy and as healthy as I can be, along with the intent to serve God and my highest purpose, puts me in a much stronger position to receive financial abundance. Another piece that was missing for me is the way I was going about it, and not being conscious enough of the co-creation aspect.

Also, I believe I have not been in full alignment with the work I need to be doing. Because I have been paying attention more, and taking this time to be still and silent, I am being guided in some new directions. My work and my service work are taking me to places I wouldn’t have imagined I would be going!

Miracles are Happening

All areas of my life are expanding in fabulous ways. My health is improving rapidly, I’m happier and my bankbook is growing! Putting God or Spirit back into my life, or taking this spiritual part of me to a new level has also been about opening my mind and my heart even more. It is bringing me more joy, peace and prosperity than I could have imagined last year.

I have also been doing some conscious “clean up” internally by doing some co-processing with God on issues that may have been blocking my flow. We all have some internal baggage to work on. Choosing to do some of this intentional soul scouring has been so freeing.

Life truly is a mystery, and I don’t have all the answers by any means. We each have to come up with the daily recipe for a healthy and happy life that works for us. However, I do know that we are in a tremendous year for growth and change. There is incredible spiritual energy and help available to all of us right now. There is a window open and I encourage you to step through with me. Open your arms to receive the love, joy and magnificent life that you deserve!

Author's Bio: 

Marcia Breitenbach is a Transformation Specialist affectionately known as “The Songletter Lady.” She is an author, coach, songwriter, psychotherapist and devoted mother. Marcia is a Licensed Professional Counselor and Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist and has been a leading therapist for more than 20 years in the fields of change, transformation and loss.

Personal life challenges initiated Marcia’s creation of unique healing music and also informed the development of powerful strategies that go beyond talk therapy to empower her clients to step into the fullest expression of themselves and to live a magnificent life.

Along with her four self-help books, numerous empowering CDs and DVD, Marcia’s original intentional music has motivated and inspired thousands around the world. For further information, visit: www.themagnificentyou; and