Excerpted from "The Psychology of Rapid Self Employment Achievement Plan"

The Psychology of Conative Connection Part1
How to Use Your Instinct to Success

Learning, and comprehending come with the understanding that you don't have to be a genius to make a dream come true, but unless you have a dream, you wont know what to do, and where to go. When you have established what you desire with definite purpose and mission, you will then, devote time, to understand the function and structure of the mind, to allow you to soar higher. Comprehending the interplay of conation, empowers you in every domain of your life

The Conative Power of Mind

Psychology uncovered the three components of mind, cognition (learning) affection, and conation since nineteenth century, and since then, psychology studied how human and animal learn, how do they come to know and comprehend complex construction of our physical world.

Conation refers to our mental activities that move us to action. When conation is in the active mode, psychology takes into account aspects of conation such as motivation, goal-orientation, will (volition) self direction, self regulation etc. the purpose of this chapter, is for you to understand that success or over achievement is nothing to do with God given gift, but it is simply a

self-given habituated way of thinking,
habituated way of feeling,
habituated way of perceiving,
habituated way of dieting,
habituated way of exercising,
habituated way of physiological movement,
habituated way of language use,
and habituated way of action taking

To begin to think your way to success, you must simply, train, and direct your thinking toward what you truly desire. The next few paragraphs are designed to provide you with an overview of conation and how various activities of the mind can be used to assist your development, by self-monitoring, and brain entrainment that I have already provided you with on the chapter of Brain Entrainment.

Let's understand the three components one by one.

Professors of psychology refer to cognition as access to 'knowing and understanding' how we encode, store, process, and retrieve information. The ancient philosophers wondered about the way we get to know things, and such questions and answers are still up to this date debatable.

Questions like, how do we access knowledge, is it a priori, or posteriori, which means, do we get our knowledge, from the mind, like 1+1=2 or do we get it from empirical experience, that is from observation. This has been an incredible mystery to philosophers and psychologists.

some rationalists argue that knowledge is a priori, it means it comes from the mind, opponents of rationalists, empiricists, argue that if this is true, how come, our knowledge of learning to drive doesn't come from just by theorizing, it comes through experience and practice.

Since then, cognitive research is generally speaking, associated with questions, of ' what' is the meaning of that behaviour, The 'what' seeks to describe, and give meaning to certain behaviour, the 'why' seeks psychological explanation.

Explanation is logic, such as 1 + 1 = 2, what caused 2? 1+1

description is practicality, such as A failed in B ( Ali failed in business), description doesn't explain what caused A to fail in business

Affect reflect the reaction of our emotions attached to ideas, things, behaviour, such as good or bad, painful or pleasurable. The common known question is, how do I feel in relation to event, idea, behaviour I am attached to?


Conation is the seed in your instinct, the motivational nucleus of desire, the fire to become, self determined to self actualize. Your free will, and if you self direct and self regulate, you will succeed. When you comprehend and identify your instinct power, you put it into action, and that is what I mean by being self directed and self regulated. To ignite your conation, you begin with basic questions, as mentioned in the other chapters, of 'how to ignite emotions' and the chapter on the clarity of purpose, intuition and emotions.

Examples of some of the basic questions we face in our lives are as follow

• What are my intentions, purpose and goals;
• What am I going to do; and when
• What are my plans and mission statement?

The purpose of this chapter is to briefly review some of the research in the area of conation and volition, providing you with examples of how these issues can be addressed in the learning process. understanding the elementary basics of conation will stimulate your cognition, make you think, and hopefully it will lead you to action, excel, and achieve your dreams.

Behavioural psychological components of success comprise many motivating factors that get results. However, there is short and long-term results success. Many people who enroll in self-development program, quite often, even though they prepare themselves for long term and permanent success, they acquire the short-term psychological tools to success, and unconsciously, bypass the long-term psychological tools to permanent success.

Please do take care in your search for knowledge and wisdom.

Author's Bio: 

Andre Zizi is a philosopher, qualified teacher, NLP facilitator, trained in the educational psychology. His specialty is in the area of mental toughness and emotional mastery, stress, the psychology and process of business start ups, relationship conflict, how to prevent or overcome an illness and or how to achieve dream goals.

Andre Zizi is the Founder and Director of ZiziWorld LTd and YourDreamComesTrue LTD

ZiziWorld MindGym and coaching is the first of its kind in the world


Skype ID is: Andre-Zizi
